Chapter 20

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The shore of the island was near. I knew that Killian's ship had been anchored somewhere along the coast, but I wasn't sure where. Of course, it wouldn't be hard to find since he was the only ship on the island, right?

But, of all the things that could happen, I fell down a steep hill, landing not so gracefully.

I spit out the dirt that had gotten in my mouth and looked up. A group of bloody pirates stood in front of me, swords and pistols in their hands, all aiming at me.

"Well, what do we have here?" one of them asked.

"I believe it's the girl we were lookin' for." another added.

I sat on my rump, not saying a word as the pirates argued about what would happen next.

"Mate, you've got to give 'er some space." then, the person I least expected to come out, pushed his way through the crowd and stood in front of me. He reached his hand down to help me up, and I gladly accepted.



"You're not safe here," he told me.

Thomas, his group, and I were walking down a path, leading us to what was supposed to be his ship. But you never know when you're on Neverland.

"Why am I not safe here? And how did you know I'd be here?"

"Stop asking questions."

"Thomas, why did you come looking for me if we only met once?"

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face me.

"I'm not here for you Bailey. I'm here for my son." he looked at me in complete seriousness, and all I did was stand awkwardly. "I found you, and you're probably the closest thing I have to find where my son is."

"I thought the prince-" I heard a pirate muffle something and I quickly tried to listen in on their conversation, as Thomas continued on with his speech.

"Well if Thomas doesn't want 'er, I'd gladly take 'er as my own." said another quietly.

We started walking again, and I slowly moved to the back where the men were talking.

"Prince Derek would be furious if he didn't get 'er back."

"Howie, we're pirates... We get what we want."

"I know, but isn't that stealing?"

"No! It's, borrowing."

As I listened, I felt like I heard someone walking behind me, but I was the last in the group...

My heart beat got faster and faster when suddenly my life flashed before me.

A hand went over my mouth before I could scream. I was pulled back into the bushes, off the path, and someone started to gag me. I struggled to get out of whomever's grasp, but it was too late.

They had successfully tied my wrists behind my back, gagged me, and held me tight against their warm body.

Author's Note:

I know this is short, I just wanted to post something before this weekend. (I'm not really going to have any internet)

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