Chapter 12

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I have many secrets, and one of them was about Bailey.

I never told her any of this, and I plan to keep it that way.

Only a few years before we fast forwarded to the future, I had used my magic to come to the past. She thought I was so mature at the age of 12, but really, it was because I was 20 before I came back.

You see, I've been alive for a bit longer than most people. Some would say I was immortal.

Anyways, the reason I took Bailey into the future, was because where I had come from, she died.


Two years earlier, Bailey gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He was healthy and adorable. On his second birthday, something happened to Bailey that I will never forget.

Someone had given her a glass, filled with a substance like no other.


The poison took a week before it reached her heart, and I was with her the entire time.

The last night...

"Bailey, you can't do this to me!" I cried. I was kneeling by Bailey's bedside, crying my eyes out.

Bailey squeezed my hand and looked me in the eyes. "I really do love you Peter, and I know you can survive without me. You and Rumple both."

"No, Bailey, I can't raise him on my own. You know that. He needs a mother!"

My magic couldn't save her.

I watched her every second I could those past few days. She would lie in bed, coughing, all because of my mistake.

She died because of my foolishness.

For years, I had to take care of Rumple on my own, and at the age of 9, I finally gave him up.

For Bailey.

I couldn't bear being without her anymore, and it was either go to the underworld and find her or leave my son so that I could use magic to get her back.

I never cared about Rumple anyways.

I used time travel to go to the past and make sure Bailey would never have that baby. But it didn't work that way.

I'm sure most of you have heard of The Dark One?

"All magic comes with a price!" he would always say.

Yeah, and sadly, he being alive was the price

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, legit just typed this up in five minutes or so.

Uhh, at least you got 2 chapters in one day :D

Anyways, I hope you settle that piece of crap in for a few days, I'm sure it hurt to read that. It hurt to write it.

-Bella Kae <3

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