Chapter 29 (Part 1)

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Derek and I started going on dates more often.

One night, he took me out to see the stars, the other, he and I went into another town, eating fresh pastries.

He went on a hunt last week, and I hadn't heard from him since. Honestly, I missed him, bad.

I was getting worried, until this morning, a letter arrived.

My Dearest Bailey,

I'm so sorry that I haven't been to the castle lately, and I regret not saying goodbye before I left. To make it up to you, I would like you to attend a ball in my hometown. I will arrange a carriage to pick you up two days after the market day. We may spend the day together afterward.



I blushed, knowing it was too sweet of him to send a letter. I hadn't ever been to his home because he always came to mine. I was interested in seeing it.

After the maids and entire castle learned I had read the letter, they all started to act...


It was finally the day I'd waited for, and the royal designer was making a dress for me while I modeled.

"Pick a dress your highness." he said.

Three dresses on a model were placed inside my bedroom.

Three dresses on a model were placed inside my bedroom

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"The green is an absolute no," I told him

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"The green is an absolute no," I told him.

"Oh, I-I'll make a different one." The designer stuttered.

"No! I like the blue. I've been told it brings my eyes out."

He shrugged, then took it off. "The maids will help you put it on in an hour or so. Now, what about your shoes?" he went over to his small briefcase, pulling out a pair of beautifully made heels.

 Now, what about your shoes?" he went over to his small briefcase, pulling out a pair of beautifully made heels

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"These should go nicely with the dress." He had me try them on, and I spun around in awe.

"Your the best Frederick!" I shouted as he left with the rest of his things.


Night came and I was ready with my outfit. I wore a pale pink cloak, my hair was twisted into a fancy bun, braids surrounding it. The king had told me to wear a crown, making sure that I was appreciated as a princess.Stepping into the carriage, with the help of a guard, he wished me luck, and I was on my way.

It was an hour ride.

By the time I arrived, it was nearly 11.

The moon reflected in a small pond, near a fountain in the courtyard. I watched as people stepped out of their own carriages, walking up stone steps into the castle. The ladies were dressed in large ballgowns, much like mine. It made me jealous as their men held their hands, leading them up.

When it was finally my turn to leave, a palace guard had evidently been instructed to lead me into the castle. The door swung open and a tall guard, dressed in a black and gold suit held his hand out for me to take it.

"Good evening Princess. You look beautiful tonight," he said as I took his hand gracefully, and stepped out of the carriage.

"Thank you, sir..." I didn't know his name, and he jumped in.

"Jacob. Just call me Jacob for now."

"Well, thank you, Jacob."

He nodded, the carriage left, and I was finally going to see Derek after the long wait.

Author's Note:

Hello lost ones, this right here is what I like to call a split chapter.

Where my chapter will most likely be too long so I split it in half, of thirds

You never know.

-Bella Kae <3

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