Chapter 15

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*Bailey's POV*

Killian and I hiked a bit more, before coming up onto a cliff. Killian seemed to remember it from when he had come earlier in life.

"This is the place," he told me. He began to pull out a knife to cut the thorny plant.

"I still don't think this is a good idea."

Killian stopped, and spun around, staring me down. "Look, mate, let me do my thing. If you want to help me, then why don't you keep an eye out for the demon himself." he continued to cut, and I walked along the path, that had led up to the cliff.

I accidentally brushed my arm against one of the plants, and I immediately pulled my sleeve up, to look at the wound.

My upper arm was covered with strips of a black substance, that must have been the poison. My veins started to turn black, and I quickly pulled down my shirt as soon as I heard Killian coming back.

"Okay, I've dipped all my knives and my sword in the Dreamshade, and now we're ready to go love."

I nodded, my hand still over the wound. My shirt had ripped, and it was clear that I had been cut if I hadn't covered it.

"Uh, the camp's this way." I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get away from Killian. For at any moment, he could turn around and stab me. I didn't trust him at all.

I came up to a fork in the path, although you could not see the other way. I glanced behind me, seeing that Killian had stopped, and was not looking my way. I ran through the path less traveled and didn't look back. My hands were in front of me, getting slapped with branches, and most likely being cut up.

Then I stopped.

I couldn't breathe.

That stupid corset felt like it got tighter by the second.

The wound was spreading, and I fell to the ground.

*Peter's POV*

I took Wendy down one of my newly made trails and gave her more instructions as we went along.

"Now, if you see her, I need you to make sure you don't tell her who sent you. I want you to tell her that you have escaped my camp, and you're trying to find a way home. She'll feel sorry for you and help you in any way.

"After she asks how to help, have her follow you to your 'camp' you've made."

Wendy nodded and tugged on her shirt. "This is so tight! Is it her's?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes. Now, be sure to blow into the shell I gave you so that I can come and get you two. I'll let you go back to your cage, and maybe give you some better food for the favor you gave me."

"Yes, sir."


Wendy took off, in search of Bailey.

Of course, I went along, watching her carefully behind the trees. She kept walking, singing to herself. It reminded me of when Bailey had sung to the unborn baby in her stomach before she had Rumple. I would laugh, and she'd smile. It was in the earlier stage of her pregnancy when we were just learning how to become parents.

Oh, how we were so innocent back then.

I guess I had never thought that I'd become who I was now.

I hate that I have to remember my past life, I could erase all of it in a snap. But no, I have to remember or I can't keep Bailey safe. I can't let history repeat itself.

Wendy stopped singing.

"Hello mate. Where'd you come from?"

I'd recognize that voice anywhere. I peeked through the trees once more, seeing Wendy was no longer in sight.

I transported myself throughout the island, trying to find Bailey on my own. I searched all night before I finally ended up at my own safe haven.

My secret treehouse.

I climbed up the ladder and saw a dark figure moving around. I saw a few small candles had been lit, but I couldn't figure out who was inside. I crept up and stood. "Well I don't mean to intrude, but this is my-"

Of course.

I should've known.


"Peter, I didn't know you'd be coming here." she quickly ran over to the bed, hiding something.

I narrowed my eyes. "Why are you here so late? I thought you stayed in the cave."

"Oh, I uh-" she stuttered a bit, "I forgot something!"

"Tink, what's behind you?"

"N-nothing!" She lied.

I moved over to her, and she moved out of the way.

She had been standing in front of the bed, and guess who was in it?


"What happened?!" I turned to Tinkerbell and she pulled the covers off of Bailey.

"Dreamshade, and she doesn't have much time before she's gone."

My eyes widened as I looked at Bailey's arm. The Dreamshade had spread across her neck and was inches away from her heart.

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