Chapter 24

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After Derek came along, I felt as if I actually had something to live for.

He would make me laugh so hard I cried.

We'd always sneak away from the castle, away from all of our problems.

"Forget about everything, and let go." he'd tell me. We never spoke of the fact that we were supposed to get married at some point.

It was almost every day that we'd leave.


It was afternoon.

Derek had invited me to go on a lunch date, so of course, I said yes.

As I was going throughout my room to find the right dress, someone knocked on the door, bearing a gift from Derek.

    As I was going throughout my room to find the right dress, someone knocked on the door, bearing a gift from Derek

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I quickly put it on, admiring the fact that he had sent me something to wear. He told me I that a simple blue dress had brought out the color in my eyes. Now, he bought me a beautiful dress, just because he thought I looked pretty in the color.

My hair had been in a braided bun, so I took it out, making my hair wavy, with a few smaller braids in it.

I was so eager to meet Derek, I almost tripped as I ran through the hallways.

He was waiting outside, leaning against a pillar that held up part of the castle. I slipped through the doors, and he walked up to me. He held his hand out, for me to take so that he could lead me to his horses.

"Princess, let me help you onto the horse," Derek said coming over after seeing me struggle.

I still hated the fact that the king lied and said I was a princess.

Well, technically I was.


Did I just-

Oh, great.


Ok, before Peter and I first met, I was, in fact, a princess.

Yeah, I was in paintings, I have royal blood, I was used to the horrid corsets as a child. But, my parents were tragically killed by bandits while we were on the way to back home (Rosewood), and so, I was found by Peter. And these bandits turned out to be our worst enemies, which were the ones that-

"Your highness, are you alright?"

I snapped back into reality, nodding in agreement. "Yes, I'm fine."


We rode off into the woods, escaping the castle walls for the afternoon. Derek took me to a small waterfall, where someone, (most likely a worker from his castle), had set up a small picnic.

It was absolutely beautiful.

Derek sat down with me and began to look for something in the stream. I leaned over and watched, wondering what exactly it was that he was doing.

"I used to come here with my mother," he said pulling a sparkling rock out. He looked into my eyes, mine glistening in the sun.

"Really? I must be special if you're taking me here."

We both laughed, but he stopped, rubbing something off of the stone. "She always told me it was enchanted, a couple came years ago, both in love, both magic. The two enchanted the waterfall, for whoever would drink of it would fall in love instantly."

At this, we both looked into each other's eyes, Derek, wanting to kiss me, and I, wanting to know more about the history of the waterfall. Derek started to lean in, which I was not paying attention at the moment.

Of course, just in the moment of happiness and wonder, something always has to happen.

I was too close to the edge and fell into the cold water.

Derek, thinking that women were useless and dumb, tried to 'save' me from drowning.

I know perfectly well how to swim thank you very much!

In the process, Derek fell in, and I was safely climbing out of the water on my own.

In the end, both of us were out of the water, laughing our heads off about the fact Derek couldn't stop slipping off the edge while trying to get out. He gave me his cloak and wrapped it around me so that I would not freeze, and we went on our way back to the castle.

Oh, but that's not how it ends...

Just wait till I tell you what happened the next date.

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