august 15, 2002

25 8 2

"bye baby! i love you! have fun on your first day of fifth grade!" momma yells through the car window. drew says bye and runs to his new classroom. classroom 21. drew walks through the door and soaks in the posters, paintings, class pets, and atmosphere of his new classroom.

he sets his backpack into a seat in the back of the classroom. ever since abby and drew were sat in the back, they've liked sitting in the back. it gives them opportunities to whisper to each other and pass notes.

drew makes his way to the large tank in the back of the room to gaze at his long, new, scaley friends. he sticks out his tongue whenever the green snake does until he's told to take a seat.


"...i will call your name. when you hear you name say 'here', please and thank you. donna anderson..."

abby throws a small piece of paper onto drew's desk and whispers, "it's the teacher!" drew opens the paper to see a tiny drawing of a pig with a bow and beard. drew giggles and quickly tears it apart.


"i can't believe you want to see a magician! that's so dorky!" abby laughs at drew while they wait in the lunch line. drew laughs, "hey who's dad got a clown for their 10th birthday! that was so creepy!" abby rolls her eyes, "yea fine. you win!"

they giggle and nudge each other until they hear some boys yelling. they peek their heads around to see alex pushing a boy's wheelchair around in circles. the boy is yelling for alex to stop, but no one does anything.

drew and abby both yell, "hey! stop that! alex stop!" alex slows to a stop and stares at the two of them, "why? this isn't your business. go back to the lunch line, losers!"

"why do you do these things alex? you're just stupid. would you want me to push you in circles? because i will," drew yells, stepping closer. alex's eyebrow lifts, "are you threatening me?"

drews heart beats faster at the word threatening. "walk away alex."

alex stares at drew, then abby who is staring at drew. alex let's go of the kid's wheelchair and walks off to his friends at a lunch table. "drew that was awesome! you're getting really good at defending people." abby elbows drew in the shoulder as she runs to him.

drew smiles and scratches his head, "thanks." the kid in the wheelchair rolls to him, "no thank you. i can't stop them when they do that. i'm clayton, and i'm assuming you're drew. and amy?" "abby," abby says holding out her hand. the group exchanges introductions and get to know each other. clayton's messy, black hair falls right above his eyes, which he constantly sweeps out of the way. his eyes slightly squinty and a small body frame.

"well we're gonna go get lunch, wanna come with?" drew asks clayton. claytons dark brown eyes get wide with happiness, "yes!" the three get their chicken sandwiches and chocolate milk and sit at a table with an open corner. "can we ask about your wheelchair?" abby asks, mouth full of fried chicken. clayton smiles and nods.

"yes. thanks for asking. i have polymyositis. so my muscles aren't strong enough for me to walk all the time and i have trouble breathing sometimes," clayton pauses and pulls an inhaler out of the side pocket of his wheelchair, "that's why i have this. look, i put a darth vader sticker on it because we both have a hard time breathing." drew says how cool it is and starts talking about star wars with him and abby.

yeah so what im doing is their first and last grade of each schools. so this is 5th grade. then 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th and then whatever from there 

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