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Isabella Smith

I guess you could say I'm your typical everyday girl. My grades were fairly reasonable not extremely high but not low. I had my whole life planned out ever since I discovered my passion for nature and her features, everything was normal, everything was going just according to plan... Until him.... Until the day I met the guy that flipped my world upside down, the guy that discovered a new chapter hidden between the pages.... Until I met.. My BadBoy Roommate

Hello to whoever is reading this, I'm so grateful that you actually stopped by to give my book a try. I appreciate it very much. This is my very first book on on wattpad so please don't try to slaughter me when you stumble across the many grammatical errors and cringe chapters. I began writing this when I was only thirteen years old which means I literally had no experience with half of the crap I wrote in this book.

Everything was written purely from my crazy imagination so please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for what ever madness I throw out into words.


—Sherr officially signing in

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