Chapter 1

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(Okay so first off I'd just like to point out that I know this story starts off quite boring.  I'm guessing probably because it was my first book on wattpad. Most of my readers usually say it's boring at the beginning but once you reach the middle it gets a bit better so to all new readers please continue reading I promise I won't disappointed you)

Isabella's POV

I slammed my hand down on my new alarm clock and groaned in annoyance miserably. Believe me I hate waking up this early but since today was going to be a very exciting day I pushed my hatred for the morning to the back of my head and reluctantly sat up in bed. Pushing away the silk cover I stood and did a quick stretch as a loud yawn left my lips. Seconds after the amazing scent of mom preparing breakfast immediately surrounded my room. I could hear the distant sound of whatever she was frying as a small picture of her moving about frantically with her hair tied back into a neat ponytail while some old gospel song echoed around the entire house formed at the back of my head.

"Bella,honey!" I heard my mom call out from downstairs

"Yeah mom"I lazily answered her with my droopy eyes half opened and my messy hair looking like a tornado passed through it last night.

"Come get breakfast before your brother tries to eat it.. Again" came her soft voice

At the sound of that I was already on my way to the bathroom to freshen up before I ran downstairs to see mom, dad and Aiden already eating.

"Good morning ."I said approaching them at the table

"Morning." They all said in union

I sat at the table did a quick grace and started eating.

"So honey"mom started staring at me with a smile"have you finished packing all your stuff already." she asked me from across the table

Yeah I was moving to college today so my parents and annoying big brother decided to tag along to sort out the papers and stuff like that. I was beyond excited to start college, I've  literally been planning this day for as long as I can remember and the fact that the day is finally here sends a delightful feeling of accomplishments through me.

"Yeah I finished up last night"I answered back"When are we going to leave?" I quickly interrogated making her chuckle a bit

"After breakfast"

"Really" I squeaked in exhilaration

"mnn"she hummed " we're going to have a lot of papers to sign and things to sort out" she answered

"Great" I smiled happy with her answer"but mom"

" yes sweetheart." she looked over at me

"Please don't let aiden come,im begging you he's going to be so annoying" I pleaded for the thousandth time

"I am coming and you can't do anything about that." Aiden smirked knowing fully well he always gets what he wants

Looking over at mom and dad with puppy dog eyes hoping it'll do the trick all they did was shrug making me roll my eyes at aiden's satisfied smile.

Sometimes I wish I was an only child.

I finished eating breakfast and went upstairs to take a shower. After showering I wrapped a towel around my naked body and went to my room to get dressed.

I simply pulled on a white hood and a pair of black ripped jeans along with a pair of white sneakers.

After getting dressed I went to my mirror to add some light makeup which only consist of a cherry flavoured lip balm, because I didn't really like make up that much because to me it makes you look fake and not realize your true beauty.

I threw my hair into a messing bun and grabbed my phone and purse and went down stairs to see everyone already waiting for me .

"Took you long enough." My brother mumbled under his breath causing me to roll my eyes.

We all went in the car and started our journey to my new school.

Driving to school I plugged my headphones in,in case mom and dad decided to give me 'the talk'. I was seriously not in the mood for another on of those today.  I rolled down my window as the cool wind blew gently hitting my face as I watched the trees go by. I just love nature, one of the many reasons why I'm always outside. Sometimes I would just sit at my window and watch the animals especially the birds. Or I'd just sit and watch the sunset with a mixture of purple red yellow and blue in the sky that always manages to fascinate me and fill my head with questions like

How do those colors get there?

Are they everywhere else or just here?

Am I the only one interested in those mystery colors?

And those question never seem to get an answer.

After what felt like an eternity of driving we finally got there and I had only one word to describe this place





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