Chapter 5

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(This is just Carter's point of view on the night he came in half drunk in chap.4 so the last part will basically be repeating)

God I feel like the worst person on earth right now, I can't even believe I did that. She looked so afraid and the guilt felt like it was eating me alive so the only escape I had was to stormed out.

I got in my car and drove to a near by club that was only a couple streets down. Parking the car and getting out I watched as all eyes were now on me. As I walked up to the bouncer at the door everyone else in line moved to the side.

"Mr.Knowles" the bouncer greeted letting me in.

I stepped inside immediately moving over to the bar section ignoring the numerous amount of people trying to talk to me. I wasn't really in the mood to pretend to like them anyway.

"Mr.Knowles " the barmaid smiled at me nervously"what can I get you sir?"

"A shot of of Bacardi 151" her eyes widen at my choice.

"But sir-"

"I'm not in the mood" I deadpanned watching how she scurried off without further questioning.

As my mind began to wonder off in thought I started thinking off her again. it's like each time she crosses my mind the guilt starts taking over again paining my chest even more.

I shouldn't be this possessive over her..but I was. Only because I can't bear the thought of her with someone other than me. I know we just met and I must sound ridiculous or crazy even but she somehow already has me hooked to her. I don't know what it is that's pulling me towards her or why and its scars me. I don't want to get attached to her, she seems so innocent and pure and I know I would only taint her perfection if I tried to get close to her.

I don't know what's so different about her. Whether it's her long wavy eyelashes, her smooth skin or her slightly pink plumb lips that builds the urge in me to kiss the crap out of her. But what's driving me crazy the most is that cute innocent look she has that has me sweating and itching to touch her each time she's near. I know I shouldn't but I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself.

I've never really been a guy who does relationships and I seriously don't want to get her hurt..or caught up in the things I do. But she's making it too hard.

The barmaid came back with my shot and gave it to me as I took it.

"So what brings you here." She smiled at me as I looked up at her after drinking down the burning alcohol. The burning feeling as It glided down my throat was nothing compared to what I was feeling inside, but it somehow seemed to have eased it.

"Nothing just clearing my mind." I answered already getting bored of the conversation

"Oh..OK so-"

"Get back to work Lissy" I commanded

"Yes sir" she answered quickly walking off to attend someone else

Isabella is way prettier than her. If only she knew why I was so offensive of that name just maybe she would of understood. It was 2 years ago when I was 16 I was sent to juvie because my 'girlfriend' lied that I raped her.

Flashback(in jail cell)

"Hey Knowles." One of my prison buddies called. I just tried to ignore him. He's always trying to get inside my head and I really wasn't in the mood for it today

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