Who's that?

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Jessica's P.O.V

That little no good bitch thinks she can just come here and steel carter away from me, but let me tell her something she got another thing coming her way.

I went to my brother Sean the other day and told him the situation. He said he'd take care of the little whore and make sure carter gets a good punishment for even thinking about dating a Pricky little princess like her.

Not much people know that me and Sean are siblings because we don't talk about it that much and when our parents divorced I went with my mom and he went with dad so we aren't that close but when it comes to things like this you better watch your back.

I walked out my dorm room and headed to class. Isabella was in that class so maybe I can cause a little trouble.

I'm evil aren't I. You don't have to tell me I already know.

I walked to my seat after not telling the teacher good morning and why I'm late. I sat a row behind the little slut with her wanna be best friend beside her.

"Isabella can you please hand these out for me?" Our teacher ask her. She got up and took the papers from out his hands and started handing them out. When she reached at carters seat she gave him a paper and whispered something in his ears which made them both laughed as I glared at her walking around. She was almost at my desk when I got a brilliant idea popped in my head making a small smirk play across my lips.

She walked up to my seat and handed me a paper not even daring to look at me before she walked off when I put my foot in her way and of course being the clumsy bitch she is she fell to the floor with all the papers scattered around her. The class went silent for a couple seconds before the whole class irrupted with laughter including myself, obviously. She got up and glared at me while I just looked up at her smirking.

"Why the hell did you do that" she angrily asked.

"I didn't do a thing" I innocently replied smiling at her.

"Yes you did,you just tripped me"

"Oh shut up your acting like you fell down Mount Everest." I waved off

"Why do you always have to be such a bitch"

"Oh,and your acting like your queen bee."

"Well I'd rather be queen bee than to be a slut like you who jumps around with every guy in her sight" she spat back and the whole class irrupted in ooohs and whispers.


"That's enough!" The teacher shouted getting up from his desk."both of you to the dean's office"


"Now!" he yelled. We both walked out the classroom and down the long corridor to the dean's office. She didn't even say a word to me much less look at me. Well all the better I didn't wanna beat a bitch in the corridor anyway. After about two boring minutes we were finally there. She opened the door and stepped in first.

••••••••15 minutes later••••••••

Ugh I can't believe this I got one week detention and she got nothing absolutely nothing. The dean said the reason she didn't get a detention was because I was the 'the start of the conflict' like who seriously still goes by the rules. This girl is just ruining my life.

Isabella's P.O.V

Ughh that girl girl is getting on the tip of my nerves.I mean I didn't even say a thing to her and she practically embarrassed me in front of the whole class. Do you even know how humiliated I felt?. I just can't take this anymore and luckily the dean believed me when I tolled her she started.

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