I will make you pay

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I'm watching you both and I will have my revenge for what you did


The words just kept circling in my head. Who wants revenge? What did I even do? All of this is just so confusing.

Staring up at the ceiling I heard as carter entered the room. He was already in his usual daytime attire making me wonder what time he had woken this morning since we don't have classes today.

"Good morning sunshine" he beamed making me smile up at him. He walked over to me and lowered himself and laid beside me on the bed. Dragging me into an embrace he rested his chin on my head as I inhaled his scent which I love so much.

"Remember the first time we met?" He asked out of nowhere. Remembering the day a smile formed on my lips.

"Yeah. You claimed I was yours" I said making him chuckled.

"But you are mine" he stated resting his forehead on mine and staring into my eyes.

"Yours only" I reassured placing a peck on his lips as he did that breathtaking smile that always makes me go weak in the knees.

He looked at his watch with a sigh."I need to go.." He murdered his smile falling from his face turning into a more serious look.

Right now I just need him to be here with me and he's leaving. He doesn't even know how much I just want rest in his arms and burry my head in his chest for comfort

He's my comfort.

"Where to" I asked with my head down trying to keep my voice normal so he doesn't know I'm slowly dying inside.

"I need to sort out some business and I won't be back until tomorrow" he said as my head immediately snapped.


"I'm really sorry this came off on such a short notice I just got some business to do" he said avoiding my gaze. I nodded my head looking in the other direction with a frown.

"You okay?" He asked pulling me onto his lap.

"Yeah" I said as I put on a fake smile.I wasn't sure if he could read the truth behind my smile but I hope he could. I don't want him to leave.

Suddenly he turned me around to look at him as my hazel eyes met his making butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"When I get back, I promise I'll make it up to you"

"Okay" I answered still feeling that ache in my chest. He looked at his watch again as his face immediately turned hard. A shiver ran down my spine at his sudden change in mood,how he turned from sweet and caring to cold and devilish so quickly. I've never seen him like this...something's wrong.

"I really need to go" he said standing up. Before he walked off I pulled him back into a tight hug

"Be safe. I don't know where your going but please.. Don't get hurt"

"I promise" he said as his hands caressed my cheek. He pulled me into a warm kiss as his soft lips pressed against mine. He pulled away and gave me a light hug"I love you" I said into the hug

"I love you to" he said before pulling away as another shiver came at the lost of his warmth.. His touch. He did a wave before walking out the door not before taking one last glance at me with a smile. Then the door closed leaving me completely alone.

I huffed laying on my bed as wild thoughts started swirling around in my head. I laid there thinking for about ten minutes when I heard a few nocks on my door. Turning my head to the brown oak door I furrowed my eyebrows

"Come in"

In walked my two best friends. I smiled up at the two girls who entered through the door.

"Hey"mell said sitting beside me on the bed

"Hey" I sighed staring up at the ceiling again

"You feeling okay?" Kells asked looking at me concerned.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be"

"Well first about the the little incident that happened at the store yesterday"she reminded me as my eyes averted to my side. I ran my finger over the healing wound with a frown

"And I saw Carter awhile ago and he didn't seem to happy. Is something wrong?" She finished

"No" I sighed"at least I think" I murdered

"What do you mean?" Mell asked looking a bit confused

"Well I already told you guys about the note" I said and they nodded in agreement"I just feel like he knows something about it, but he's just not telling me. Like he's hiding something from me"

"Have you ever approached.
him about it? Like really sit and talk to him" kells asked

"Well I asked him a couple times and just says its nothing" I said playing with my fingers

"Tell you what. When he gets back just talk to him about it, let him open up to you" mell advised

"Okay" I nodded before giving them both a hug."thanks guys. Your both just always here for me whenever I need a hand or a shoulder to cry on" I smiled

"Its what best friends do"kells smiled back

"Even through thick and thin" I started

"Best friends we've been" they both finished with a smile.

"Call us if you need anything or just wanna talk" kells said as we all joined in a group hug

"Okay" I mumbled before they did the signature sign which is when you make a heart with your hands and beating it on your chest twice and then they both disappeared on the other side of the door.

Feeling tired out my mind I decided to go to sleep since I had nothing else to do. As I was about to close my eyes I saw a figure at the creek of the door. I couldn't see it properly since the door was half closed I only glimpsed a shadow with long hair. That means it's a girl. Then the head peeped inside. It was her..the woman at the store. She smirked before mouthing something to me 'i will make you pay' she mouthed before pulling back.

Feeling my heart accelerate I quickly shot off the bed and to the door. I looked down the hallway and saw.. Nothing. She's gone.

Feeling my hands shake I slammed the door shut and locked it. I climbed back into bed hugging my knees to my chest.

Who the hell is she?
And what will she make me pay for?

Sup my peeps. How's the book so far?

Random question what's your favorite colour?

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