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Unknown POV

I will make them pay. Don't worry my love I will seek your revenge.

Bella's POV

"Carter let's go already"

"Coming" he grumbled walking to the car with our bags before he reluctantly threw them inside with a loud thud as I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior . We were going to visit my parents and ever since I told him he wouldn't stop grumbling and asking if we couldn't go another time. In other words... never.

I know he kind of feels a bit awkward going there since it's the first time he'll meet them face to face but their my parents, I've missed them really bad and I needed some time with my family.  I don't think my mother could handle another news saying we can't come because of the silly excuse Carter made up not to go. And plus he didn't want to go see either of his parents, especially not hid dad.

He had already told me the first time we went out that he didn't really have a good relationship with either of his parents. He didn't tell me exactly why but every time I tried talking to him about it he would either get very angry or just ignore me for the whole day, so I decided not to bring it up often.

"I'm gonna miss you so much"kells said bringing me into a tight hug as mell joins in as well."I'm gonna miss you guys too" I said before we pulled apart.

"See you guys in two weeks" I waved as me and carter got in the car. We drove out school grounds and onto the road.

"Are you sure we couldn't go some other time?" Carter huffed beside me in the driver's seat.

"No Carter we've postponed this too many times" I told him"And why do you not want to meet my patents so bad?"

"Its not that I don't want to meet them, it's just... " he trailed of as if unable to find his words. There was a distant emotion behind those few words and I couldn't seem to figure it out.

"It's just what?"I questioned stating over at him. He was paying full attention to the road ahead with a deep frowned added at his lips while his forehead creased. He stayed silent still not answering my question.

"Carter please just tell.. You know I will understand" I comforted him. And I was being honest. I know he can be really hard to deal with sometimes, same goes for me but I need him to know that I'm here for him whenever he needs me.

He sighed heavily still focusing ahead"What if after everything I've put you through and the things they might have heard about me they end up hating me " his voice was low almost like a whisper. I couldn't see his face  directly but I know those beautiful eyes of his had a glint  of fear and nervousness in them. It was quite the sight seeing Carter this vulnerable since I never really get to see this side of him of that often.

And I like it. Not because it made him soft and vulnerable but because I can actually understand what's going on in that crazy mind of his. Carter isn't a very easy person to read and I have to admit it's kind of nice when I actually know what he's thinking so I can use the right words to comfort him instead of saying something bad and getting him upset. 

"Carter of course they won't like you" I said his face fell"they'll love you. Especially my mom" I finished as he let out a breath of relieved

"You sure?"

"One hundreds percent"

"Okay" he sighed "I love you" he said soon after rising yet another swarm of butterflies in the pit of my stomach as my cheeks flushed bright pink. 

"I love you more" I answered  back

"I love you so much words can't express" he challenges

"I love you so much nothing can express" I smiled

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