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Carter's POV

With the wind roaring outside the car. My whole body trembling, my heart racing and mind scattered I had to force the reality. She's gone.

Quickly jumping out the car I dialed her number over and over but the same thing plays over and over.

'Hello this is Isabella, please leave a message at the beep.'

Hearing her voice not knowing if its the last time I will hear it my stomach twist into knots. Not the knots I get when I kiss her or the ones I got when she said she loved me but knots that hold pure fear. Racing down the street I looked in every alley looked in every bush and behind ever wall but still no sign of her. I dialed the guys and their already on their way.

Seeing them stop the car they all came out followed by their girlfriends as each and everyone carried a face of pure fear like mine. I told them what happened and we're all now searching and searching. Going from street to street we still couldn't find her. My eyes began to burn as the tears began to form. Feeling it slip out I stopped trying to catch my breath and calm myself.

I felt as mike rested his hand on my shoulder."calm down man,we'll find her"he said

"I'm calling the police"I managed to say out. Taking out my phone I dialed the number.

"911 what's your emergency"I heard the operator

"Someone kidnapped my girlfriend"I said into the phone.

"Sir please state your name and address"she orders. I did as she told me to.

"Okay we'll send a squad car until then stay on the line"she said. I nodded to myself before realizing she can't see me and mumbled a quick'yes'. She sent me back to the dorm and everyone came along with me.

"Okay I'm back at the dorms"

"The police will be with you shortly"she calmly said. How can she be so calm?!

Pacing around in the room I felt like I was gonna die.

"Police! You called about the missing person" I hear an officer as they entered the room.

"Yes my girlfriend Isabella"I said holding onto the sides of my jeans.

"And how long as she been missing"

"About..30 minutes" I said. He looked up from his notebook to meet my eyes.

" the person has to be gone for at least 48 hours for it to be a case"he said calmly.

"Are you fucking kidding me!"I shouted making them jump back. I would of showed them the text message but I can't, it'll risk way to much considering the things I do. I don't think I could handle the police on my case and Isabella missing " You know what if your not gonna help me then get out"

"Sir we will help if you cooperate"he said. I tried my best to stay calm and patient with them. They asked me a whole lot of unnecessary questions and I had to count to ten to not punch their faces in. Couple hours later they left saying they'd call to inform me if they found anything.


I woke up in bed from a sleepless night. I looked beside me on my bed with hopes that all of what I'm thinking was just a terrible nightmare and she's sleeping beside me but it wasn't.. She's gone. I feel like every ounce of energy is drained out my body due to the countless shots of whisky I poured down my throat.

I still don't know what's happening with the police. Right now I'm desperate for information, if they have any that is. I haven't gone to class and I don't plan on going to unless they find her. I already told mell kelisha and shawn and their not taking it too well.


"Its been fucking twenty four hours and your saying you haven't found anything!"I shout at the lieutenant.

"I'm sorry sir but these kind of situations take time to solve all you need to do is stay patient"he said his calmness infuriating me by the second.

"Patient? I would of been patient if you guys just do your god damn job"I said getting up and walking out. As soon as I left the office all eyes were on me. I shouted ever sentence in there so they must have heard.

But fuck them if these so called police can't do anything then I will.

Bella's POV

I watch as another drop of blood fell from my wrist. The ropes are so tight against my skin as I lean back onto the wall. I miss Carter. Why did I have to get out the car. This is all my fault.

I don't know where I am. I  don't remember most of the night I was taken except after the argument I stormed out the car. He pushed me up against the wall with a knife held so closely to my throat.

I woke up here in a baggy T-shirt. Where the hell is my dress? Sean came in with a bag of food in hand. Ignoring my multiple cries for him to let me go, with a smile on his face he fed me gave me water and left.


My heart jumped at the footsteps that were nearing to the room and I automatically knew who it was.


"Good morning baby girl"I heard his voice as he enters the room.

"Let me go"I whisper looking into his cold eyes.

"Bella we already had that conversation. Your never leaving"

He walked back over to the door and took up a bag bringing it to me. He took out a take out box and handed it to me. I would of took it a threw it in his face but I didn't cause last time that only ended with me almost starving. Instead I took the box. Inside was a burger and fries and he handed me a bottle of water.

"Good girl. Now eat up I'll soon be back"he said walking out and locking the door. After finish eating I just sat there in the plain room with nothing but the walls. Remembering carter I almost cried. I know he's looking for me. Him,kells,mell,shawn and the police are looking for me. And they will find me... I hope.

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