The Message

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As soon as I recognized his face all the horrible memories came rushing back. I was so shocked I couldn't move, I just stood there looking into his deep blue emotionless eyes. A wicked smirk came across his face. I tried  pulling out of his grip but he wouldn't let me.

"Oh no your coming with me princess"he laughed evilly.

"No,let me go!" I screamed trying my hardest to escape.

"Hold still already" he groaned in frustration. I twisted and turned trying my best to make him not have a good grip on my hands.

Why do people always think to grab my hands?its really annoying..and frustrating.

I throw my foot upwards hitting him right there. He let go of my hand and bent down in pain groaning. I took that as an advantage to start running.

I was running so fast I thought I was gonna run out of breath, and my heart was thumping so hard in my chest as a rush of adrenaline cursed through me giving me the boost I needed. God this was all my fault,if I die tonight it all my fucking fault,why for I always have to walk away from my problems.

I started to slow down because I was feeling tired when I felt someone grab my collar from backwards. He pulled my collar back and I fell to the ground on my back. I looked up into his face and saw nothing but pure rage and anger.

"Enough playing around your boyfriend will be hear any minute" he grabbed my shirt and pulled me to my feet. I saw him dip his hands into his pocket and took out a small letter with a black skull imprinted on it. He neatly put it down on the spot where we were standing.

"Say good night" he whispered and that's the last thing I heard before I felt a sharp pain at the side of my neck and darkness consumed me.

Carter's POV

I'm raging with anger.

I swear to god if he so much as touches a hair on her head I will show no mercy in killing him. I will make sure he fucking pays for even thinking of fucking with me like this.

Without a second thought I know it was Sean. No one had to tell me,I know how he is and with everything lately he's the only crazy motherfucker out there that would dare test my nerve.

I was speed walking down the streets checking every bush,creek and alley but still no sign of her. The anger and fear of losing her was boiling up inside me and I just felt like I was gonna collapse.

I was randomly storming up and down every street. After a while of searching and not even a sign I felt like giving up.. But I couldn't I had to find her,even if its the last thing I do. I was walking tired and out of breath when I stepped on something.

I looked down to see a letter, it had a black skull imprinted on the front of it. In my mind I was contemplating whether to take it up or not. But that skull..isn't it the sign Sean's gang always uses? It was even on the letter he had sent to my gang the other day.

I slowly bent down and took up the letter. I opened it and saw a piece of paper in it that read

Hello again my fellow enemy. As we both know I've got your little girlfriend with me,if you want her back come to the old abandon house on 27 North Street on the third floor second door on the right. And don't worry to much about her I won't hurt her..yet. This is just a lesson teaching you to know that you should watch your back I can be anywhere at anytime and next time it won't just be the girl.

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