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Bella's POV

I couldn't move. The amount of emotions swirling through me right now was unbelievable and the stinging feeling in my chest felt to be increasing every second making it awfully unbearable. I just stood at the door shocked as I stared at both of them watching as Jessica sent me a cruel smirk. I could already feel the tears welling up and threatening to fall.

"Isabella wait-"carter tried but I already turned on my heel and started speed walking down the corridors. Ignoring his continuous calling of my name I never stopped. I continued along trying to block out everything around me. Trying to ignore the people carelessly walking around ignoring the girl that is about to shatter into pieces.  Then I felt someone's hand grabbed mine spinning me around. I tried forcing my hand out his but it never worked.

"Let me go"I weakly said as the tears began to fall. How could he. How could he possibly do this, after everything. I thought I actually meant something to him.

"No,Bella just let me explain it isn't what you think it was"Carter said staring into my eyes.

"Then what the hell was it Carter!?"I shouted. I pulled my hand out his before he could answer and ran straight to Mellody's room. Instead of knocking like I should have I just turned the knob and walked right in slamming the door. Mell and kells turned and saw my tearful face and was immediately by my side.


"Oh my god I can't believe that happened!"kells said pulling me into another hug before mell joined in after I told them what happened. They were there soothing me until I stopped cry, which was a long time. We sat on the bed facing each other.

"You took it easy on him, if I was in your place I would have already cut his balls off and had them shipped to China" kells said which made me laugh for the first time since I started crying.

"I really didn't expect that though"I heard mell mumble beside me.

"Yeah, me either"I replied with my head down. I really didn't."I'm such a fool" I said as another tear slipped. I let this happen, I let him hurt. If only I could have seen from the start that I didn't mean as much to him as he meant to me.

"Why would you say that?"mell asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I was a fool because I actually though he really liked me,cared about me even" I shook my head. The tears were relentless, falling at there own will"...Or even loved me"I said whispering the last part but I knew they heard. Their eyes immediately widened.

"Loved you?"kells questioned tilting her head to look at me. I wanted to numb all emotions right now, I didn't want to feel anything. Not the stinging in my chest, not the betrayal I feel eating me alive or the painful truth of reality. "Bella how much do you actually like him?"I heard her ask

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..Your feelings for him. Was it a simple crush or were you...Falling for him"she asked as I looked up to meet both their eyes.

Was I falling for him? This is just so complicated. But to really think about it maybe I was. I don't feel the same way I thought about him when we first met. My feelings for him have increased to a level I never even knew existed. I can't believe it. I've fallen for him,hard I didn't even realize it happening. As the truth begins to seep its way into me I'm forced to accept the truth, I had fallen, fallen in love with.

"Yes"I replied.

"Yes what?"Mell asked raising an eyebrow

"I was falling for him"I replied with my head down. Its not that I'm ashamed to say I'm in love with him,its just that maybe he doesn't feel the same way. It's Recife to finally get it off my chest and out into the open but as my mind blazes  I'm rinsed of what just happened.  They stared at me with shock evident in both their eyes"but he doesn't love me" he couldn't possibly love me. After what I just saw. If he did he would never have done that.

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