👌I'll wait👌

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Carter's  POV

I was in a restaurant with the guys just chilling. We already discussed what happened with Bella and I'm going to pay Sean a little visit today. We were there just sitting and talking when a group of black skull gang members walked in. I didn't see Sean but I noticed a few men. They saw us and started walking over to our table. We didn't pay them much attention though we just sat there still eating and talking.

"Aww look what the cat dragged in"tejae said leaning on the table.

I gave him a deadly glare which only made him smirk.

"If you know what's best for you I think you better leave"I mumbled looking up at him.

"And if I don't what're you gonna do,hit me?"

"You really wanna get killed don't you?"damon asked getting angry. I nodded for him to cool down and he did.

"Sean told us about your girlfriend"he said as my heart grew larger anger boiling in my body. I swear to god if this guy doesn't shut up I'm gonna hurt him..real bad

"you don't deserve her,she shouldn't be with a pathetic asshole like your self. But don't worry I think Sean already has plans for that-" before he even finished the anger took over as I got up from the table swinging my fist hitting him on his jaw. He tried swinging back and missed as I kicked him to the floor. One of the other guys tried coming at me but emelio grabbed him and threw him into a table. I reached
down pulling tejae up by his collar. I grabbed his neck squeezing it tightly staring down at him

"Tell Sean he better back the fuck off and leave Isabella out of the this. This is between me and him no one else. Am I clear?"

He didn't answer. I squeezed his neck a little tighter

"Yes"he chocked out.

"Good. And tell him I might be paying him a visit"I said throwing him back to the floor. I looked up to see the other guys he came in here with scared and shaking as fuck.

"Let's go guys"I said getting up and as we all left. I told the guys later and got in my car driving back to my dorm.

I opened the door and stepped in. Bella was sitting on her bed on her phone .

"Hey"I said sitting beside her.

"Hey"she answered plainly still focused on her phone. Minutes later I realized she still wasn't talking to me

"Is there something wrong?"

"No"she blankly stated.

Yep she still doesn't want to talk to me

"Bella if this is about what I said the other day I already said I'm sorry" she didn't reply not even a nod

"Bella come on"I said resting my head on her shoulder. She shuffled over making my head fall on the pillow.

"Isabellaaa.."I groaned grabbing her small waist pulling her towards me.

"Stop.."she said trying to get free. I held her tightly against me as she tried avoiding my gaze. I rested my head on her forehead trying to get her to look at me and she closed her eyes in a childish attempt to not look at me

"Baby I'm sorry"I said kissing the side of her neck. She squirmed and I continued. I lightly bit down on that special spot I've recently found that always drives her crazy. She moaned out as I smirked against her neck. I continued and she tried pushing me off but I grabbed both her hands pinning then above her head. I continued until I reached up catching her lips between mine. She didn't responded and I used one of my hands to squeeze her thigh. She moaned giving me access as I ran my tongue over hers . I continued kissing her before she finally gave in and started kissing back. I pulled away leaning my head against her forehead again looking into her big hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry OK, I really didn't mean to offend you like that I just wanted you to be safe okay? "she nodded her head yes. I let go of her hands then gave her one more peck on her lips. As I was about to sit back up she grabbed my shirt pulling me back down.

"You know you can't just do that"she pouted.


"You can't just turn me on and then your just gonna leave without doing anything"

"Oh really?"I asked dragging her onto my lap so she was now straddling me."and what am I suppose to do?"

"I don't know, maybe finish what you just started"she blushed playing with her fingers.

"You really want me to do that?"I asked quirking an eyebrow.

"Well you don't have to take it to far but just..continue."

God for a moment there I almost thought she was finally ready to give herself to me. I mean I'm willing to wait as long as she wants but its kinda driving me crazy knowing I can't take it to the next level.

"Oh,OK"I answered with a small shrug. She frowned looking down. "What?"

"Are you angry?"she asked

"What, why would I be angry ?"I asked sitting up.

"Well I know your a guy and you have your own needs and I keep saying I'm not ready and-"

I stopped her before she could continue.

"I'm fine with waiting its not that big of a deal to me"


"No,I'll wait I don't want you feeling like I'm rushing you into something your not ready for. I'll wait as long as it takes"

She nodded "OK"she replied with her head down.

"Now.. Why don't I 'finish what I just started' I smirked. She lifted her head with a glint of lust in her eyes. I took her up and laid her back on the bed.


Love sherr★★★★

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