No hope

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Carter's POV

Four days and twelve hours since she's been missing. You would of thought I would of gotten use to her absence by now but I can't I miss her to much. Sometimes I would wake up and think its all a dream and turn to the other side of the bed to see her beautiful face but when I do and reality hits me its like tacking a bullet to the head. The police released the case yesterday and now her parents know. Their not blaming me or anything but their really pissed. They did a search party but we still can't find her. I miss her so much.

Its actually funny how I'm just realizing the little things she always does which always makes me smile. Like how she never sleeps on her bed only on mine. How she'd pull me back down by my shirt when she doesn't want to end our kiss or how her face would light up when she comes back from classes and sees me.

I just wish I had made the best of those moments. I don't even know when I'll see her face again her smile again or her perfect body. It's driving me crazy knowing I can't hold her close to me right now in my arms.

I just want her back. The love of my life was kidnapped and I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to stay sane.

Bella's POV

Laying on the floor with my hands still tied up by these ropes I feel like I'm gonna pass out. Sean hasn't been here in a while and I'm actually happy, I don't want to see his face. I just want carter.

Hearing those taunting footsteps coming towards the door my heart beat accelerates with fear. He pushes the key in before opening the door and walking inside with a smile like he hasn't just kidnapped a fucking Innocent girl.

"Hey baby girl"he smiles"I have good news"he said stooping down so we are eye level. I have to fight the urge to not spit in his face. Last time that ended with me getting a slap across my face.

"I'm letting you out here"his voice echoes through the empty room. My heart fills with hope and joy. He's letting me go. He reaches behind me untying the knots that were tied tightly to my hands. As my hands are now free I rub my wrist,he reaches down taking my hands and helps me up."c'mon"he says wrapping his hands around my waist. Usually that would earn him a kick in the shins but I'm to tired to fight,I'm way to weak to take him on.

Leading me up a couple stairs the memory of him helping out that fight flashes through my mind. He was so sweat back then..but look at him now. Locking me up so I can't leave. A complete psychopath. So many things have changed in him since that day and I desperately wish he would go back to that sweet helpful boy. But by the looks of it that part of him is now far gone, masked by what seems to be jealousy and envy.

I had to suppress a gasp as we entered the living room. The beauty of it all catching my eye. The big windows with white curtains tiled floor a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and so many beautiful furniture.

Leading me forward a long wooden table comes to view with creamish color chairs surrounding it. He leads me to it pulling out a chair as I sit down. I'm just to tired to argue.

He puts a plate of mouth watering food in front me and sits at the other chair facing me. Without hesitation I took a bite before I started stuffing my face.

"Finish"he chuckles as I take my last bite. I scowled at him--or at least I tried. My body is to weak to do anything too sudden. I nod and he takes my plate.

"Are you going to let me go now?"I quietly ask.

"Let you go?"he asks"now why would I do that"

"You said you'd let me out"I said my voice raising as I slightly gripped the table clothe

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