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His steps were unpleasantly loud on the wet aspalt of the streets as he left the busy center of the city, where it was hectic and crowded, especially now in the late afternoon, when everybody was heading home from work.

Hyungwons' parents weren't home yet, so he snuck out of the house in some comfortable clothes, he didn't bring the shoes with him but it didn't matter, he was only going to stay for an hour or two, and they had ones there.

It was already cold outside, so he sighed in content as he was greeted by the warmth in the ballet studio.
Not daring to disturb the silence filling the building, he placed his feet on the ground as quietly as possible as he headed for the one room that was always unlocked.

Actually, it wasn't.
Hyungwon just had the keys to it, his dancing teacher once handed them to him because she knew he liked to come here during his free time as well to practice a little when he wanted to escape from home and the world around him.
He saw no person on the hallways which were tinted golden from the setting sun shining through the windows, and nobody noticed the tall boy flitting into one of the dancing halls.

Hyungwon let his coat sink to the floor and just threw his boots into the corner of the room to open the doors of the closet on the white wall to look for some ballet shoes that fit him.

As soon as he found a pair, he kneeled in front of the giant stereo system and put in the CD he always used to dance to when he wasn't practicing the actual choreography his team was training for at the moment.
It was rather calm music with mainly violin and piano playing, and it soothed his mind like nothing else did.

He waited for the first few notes to play before he began to stretch and afterwards tying the laces of the shoes slowly, slightly smiling in happyness.
It was part of his ritual.
Everytime the music started to play, Hyungwon forgot about everything around him, all he felt was the soundwaves vibrating in his ears and his body moving with them like they were one.

He did not plan on his motions.
It all just happened.

With closed eyes, he stopped letting his thoughts control his lanky body, and handed the power over it to the music.


I flee into worlds mankind cannot

since it can't understand me either.


The music Hyungwon listened to might or might not have been by Ludovico Einaudi hmmnvj

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