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Luckily, the coffee shop wasn't very far from the park so they didn't get too wet as they entered through the door.

Hoseok let out a sigh at the welcomming warmth that greeted them immediately.
There wasn't a lot of people here, but still enough that the air was filled with laughter and conversations, so he didn't even hear the other talking to him at first until he poked him in the arm.

,,Hey! Are you listening?"


The taller rolled his eyes.

,,I was asking you what you wanted."

Hoseok hadn't thought of that yet, he actually had no idea.

,,I don't know, just... the same as you, I guess."

He shrugged while letting his gaze wander over the interior of the café.

,,I'll look for a place to sit. Join me when you're finished ordering."

The blonde played with the thought of winking at the other after that last sentence, but let it be.
Honestly, the brown-haired boy didn't seem like the kind of person that would respond well to the sometimes rather flirty side of his personality.

But Hoseok couldn't deny it, he had found interest in the grumpy stranger whose dancing seemed so otherworldly.
He had no idea what kind of interest though, and it confused him a little too much for his own liking.
Hell, he didn't even know the guys' name.

As he finally found a more or less quiet place in the corner of the building, he let out a frustrated huff while sitting down and stared out of the glass walls into the rain, lazily dropping his sketchbook and the pencil on the table.

,,What could possibly be so interesting about this shit weather that is worth discarding a perfectly fine Americano?"

,,What? Oh, I was thinking about things, sorry. Thank you, dancerboy."

Hoseok grinned slightly as he lifted the steaming cup of coffee to his lips and took a sip. He once again had not even noticed the taller approaching him, and he wondered how long he had stared at him already.

Knitting his brows, the other groaned quietly.

,,That nickname sucks ass, Shin Hoseok."

,,I don't know your name, how else am I supposed to call you?"

The other sighed heavily and drank of his cup of the dark beverage as well.

,,Hyungwon", he muttered while looking to the side.

,,Chae Hyungwon."

,,Nice to meet you, Hyungwon."

Hoseok tried to smile as kindly as possible, Hyungwon seemed kind of uncomfortable now that they were really getting to know each other.

After a while of chatting about all kinds of unimportant things, the older felt the tense atmosphere between the two relaxing a bit more.
He also noticed that the brunettes' pretty eyes seemed to be glued to the small book that held all kinds of doodles in it.

,,Can... can I look through it?"

The blonde hesitated for a second, usually he hated it when people looked at his art, but the fascinated, almost childish expression on the youngers' face were too cute, so he sighed in defeat and nodded. It was mainly portrait doodles of random people, flowers and architecture after all, nothing private.

The others' gaze was fixed on the pages, and he touched every single one as if it was made of gold and it could break with the slightest touch. The fascination never vanished from his eyes, instead they even seemed to still glow up brighter now and then.

The sight brought Hoseok so much joy that he nearly forgot what he had drawn today in the Park before it began to rain, but he realized it as soon as he saw Hyungwon getting to the end of the book, and the older quickly snatched it from his bony hands, his stomach cramping up a little as the brunette looked up at him with a sad face.

,,Uh- I feel kind of uncomfortable showing people my art..."

The others' expression didn't change until Hoseok reminded the younger that he didn't like to be seen dancing as well, which convinced him.

The two cups of coffee were long empty as he looked outside, it had stopped raining but the sky was still grey with a hint of orange in it, caused by the setting sun.
He got up with their cups and brought it back to the counter, the taller following him with the sketchbook clutched tightly to his chest again.
Just as Hoseok wanted to pay, Hyungwon suddenly interrupted him and wanted to do so himself, getting out a wallet from the pocket of his coat.

,,Wait, it's okay if I-"

,,No. Just let me pay, please."


,,Please, Hoseok."

It didn't sound like a polite formality, but rather like an actual beg. Something in his voice and the tenseness in his body language told him to not keep him from doing what he wanted, and the older didn't like that something at all.
It reminded him of that time when the other male asked him if he had really seen him dancing.

So he watched Hyungwon putting the money on the counter and turning around to him again, with a calmer expression now.
The older blushed at the sudden, awkward eye contact and looked away, and doing so he didn't see the youngers' cheeks inflame as well.

,,I'll have to go now..."

,,Great. I'll walk you there."


I could not write this shit without constantly thinking of that gif where hyungwon puts down the mic n sips on his coffee instead tbh

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