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Sadly, it didn't stay that peaceful for the rest of the weekend.
Hoseok had no idea what to do with Hyungwon, in no case did he want to just drop him off at his parents' place and let him endure whatever would happen all by himself.
That unsureness seemed to trouble the younger as well, and it was obvious how much it affected him.

He started to actually notice the constant tenseness in the brunetts' body on Saturday evening, when they were watching some random movie on the TV.
Frankly, it felt as if Hoseok was hugging a skinny rock and he noticed the other nervously picking on the skin around his fingernails, until the shorter carefully put his hands on the others' to stop him from doing that.

With a sigh, Hyungwon leaned back into his arms and closed his eyes while Hoseok softly kissed the side of his neck, reassuring him quietly that he was here and everything was going to be fine.

But he could not look into Hyungwons' head, so he also didn't know that he had spent years and years surpressing everything while looking completely relaxed. He was used to it, as sad as it sounded.

And he also felt bad that he was basically just a Parasite at Hoseoks' place, he did not pay him back with anything for the blond letting him stay here for the weekend.

He decided he would be the first one to get up tomorrow and prepare breakfast for his boyfriend, so at least he wouldn't have to feel that shitty.

It turned out to be not that much of a brilliant idea to set a vibrating alarm on his phone when he nearly threw it across the room the next morning because he got so startled. At least it didn't wake Hoseok up, though.
His sleep was shorter than Hyungwons', but definetely not less deep.

Still half asleep, the male wandered to the kitchen to collect a pot and the ingredients.
He was going to make a light dish with rice and some vegetables, and everything went fairly fine, Hyungwon even wondered how the older wasn't woken up by the constant clattering of cutting carrots on a plastic board or the pot on the stove.

But it cooked too slow.
It wouldn't be a surprise anymore if Hoseok woke up before it was finished.
It had to be a surprise.
Sadly, it seemed like turning up the temperature of the stove wasn't a good way too make everything cook faster, since now the unpleasant smell of something burned filled the air in the kitchen.

Even though it was only fucking food, Hyungwon felt anxiety rush through his veins again.
He already was a disappointment to his family, he couldn't be a disappointment to Hoseok as well.

Swearing like a drunk sailor, he simply turned everything off hectically without even looking what the buttons and switches were there for.

For a second there was nothing, no sound, no emotion, just nothing.
Then, with a furious scream, he swept everything to the ground, and with a loud clank the pots hit it.

By now, the older had already woken up from the noise and stood in the doorframe, looking completely confused.

,,Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm sorry, I don't know what...happened, I..."

Hoseoks' eyes wandered around in the kitchen, and his face told Hyungwon that he seemed to understand what happened.
Slowly, the blond walked over to the stove, where some of the vegetables that had fallen out of the pan were spread all over it.

He took one of the carrots and ate it before the brunett could hinder him from doing so.
,,Wait, don't, they're-"
,,Hyungwon, they taste perfectly fine."
Hoseok looked like he'd like to rush Hyungwon to the psychward immediatly without even getting dressed.


I hope hyungwon freaking tf out bc of """burned""" vegetables didn't come off as too ridiculous, it's supposed to symbolize he's developing a obsessive-compulsive disorder of some sort
He didn't only imagine the smell tho, it was actually there, he just perceived it as way worse than it actually was u kno

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