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,,I want to show you something."

Hoseok raised one eyebrow in surprise as the younger spoke while nervously fidgeting with the sleeve of his jacket. He didn't look at the older but stared at his lap, the blond could swear there even was a hint of red in Hyungwons' cheeks.

,,Quit staring at me like that!"

The brunett snapped, eliciting a chuckle from the other male.

It was late in the afternoon, the sun already began to set behind the trees of the other side of the pond as Hyungwon got up, reaching out for Hoseoks' hand to guide him.

They veered away from the bench that had basically become 'their' place over the last weeks, since they always met there.

The shorter had no idea where they were heading, but he didn't care because the boy was still holding his hand and it made him feel like not butterflies, but an entire zoo had broken free in his stomach and he nearly tripped over a branch because he could only focus on that sensation.

Their way lead them out of the park and further away from the center of the city, until there was rarely any person around anymore.
He felt more comfortable here, Hoseok absolutely loved it when Hyungwon held his hand but the looks some of the people that saw them gave them still made him feel uneasy.

The tall latter walked him through a poor-looking quarter with small apartment buildings left and right from the porous street, until the houses were replaced by industrial places that gave the impression that nobody had worked here anymore in years.

,,Uh- we're here..."

They stopped in front of an old, abandoned building with some machines in it with a layer of dust on them that could very well be a few milimeters thick.

Between all those machines, a narror staircase went up around a big pipe.
Hyungwon gestured Hoseok to follow him up there. The younger noticed how the other had warily knitted his brows at the sight of the rusty, metal stairs.

,,They're not going to break, I promise."

The brunett took his hand again and enlacened their fingers, which made the older feel all fuzzy inside but also helped him to worry less about the safety of this place.

And the other had been right, they did indeed make it to the rooftop without the stairway crashing in.

Hyungwon opened a metal door that was at the very top of the building and stepped outside, panting because of the long way that ended here.

At first, Hoseok struggled with his fear of heights as a few meters in front of him, a low wall was the only thing that separated them and a fall that could easily be thirty meters high, but then the beauty of the setting sun over the horizon and the countless, colorful lights from the city below them made him forget that he was actually scared.

Hyungwon behind him nervously played with his fingers because the older didn't say anything.

,,I hope you don't find it cheesy or something... I just really like this place, you know, I used to come here often before I discovered the small pond in the park. I though if I stole your secret place, you might want to know mine or something...We can go again of course if you-"

,,It's beautiful."

The blond had only whispered the words, yet he had heard them and they made him incredibly happy as he watched the others' side profile.
His jaw hung slightly open which made the youngers' puffy lips curl up into a smile since he found it so cute.

Hyungwon gently pulled him closer to the edge of the rooftop, but stopped as Hoseok didn't move any further and smiled at him apologizingly.

,,I don't like heights. Let's just stay here."

They sat down next to each other with their eyes locked on the wonderful sunset.
The skies changed colors, from a yellow to a dark orange and finally a deep magenta tone.
It was silent, nothing could be hear except the distant sound of the cars below them.

As the older looked to the side, he saw how the warm light made the youngers' bronze skin glow, and he forgot to breathe for a second, once again it seemed like Hyungwon wasn't from this world.

Soon, he noticed the other staring at him and turned towards him.
Hoseoks' face was very close to his and he couldn't help but focus on the others pink lips that were oh so inviting.

And before he could do so himself, the blond leaned in.
It was a soft and innocent kiss that only lasted a few seconds, but still, it made Hyungwon feel as if he was losing his mind and generally control over his body.
As the older pulled away, he couldn't really move at first and kind of just sat there with widely opened eyes, which made the shorter feel insecure, even though he never felt insecure.

,,Oh god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

,,Do that again."


,,Kiss me again."


Wow i'm so unproductive it's amazing

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