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Hyungwon stood in front of his parent's houses' door, his fingers interwined with Hoseoks'.
He was pissscared.

The blond had picked him up from school after he had went there from the shorters' apartment without even going home in between, and now he were here and doomed, eventually.
But at least his boyfriend was here too, right next to him, to support him whatever was about to happen.
His parents were hopefully not be too strict with him if a stranger was around, and that fact was the only thing the brunett was currently clutching onto.

With shaking hands, he extended his arm to ring the bell.
At first it seemed like nobody was home, but then, to his misfortune, his mother opened the door with a straight up cold expression.

As she saw her son, her lips went into a thin line.

,,Come in."

She said, that same cold from her face in her voice as well, and gestured them to follow her into the living room.
Her husband sat on the sofa, making eye-contact with Hyungwon as soon as he came in the room.
He immediatly looked to the ground.

,,So," the man began, ,,Would you mind explaining where you've been? And who that is?"
He let a moment of silence follow.
,,And what happened on friday night?"

Hyungwon heavily gulped and then cleared his throat.
He felt his hand in Hoseoks' getting sweaty. The other obviously noticed it and squeezed it to comfort him a little.
He was straight up terrified as well, though.
The youngers' parents seemed just as loving and caring as an icecube.

,,Uh...Mother, Father...this is Shin Hoseok, my...my boyfriend."

The silence was slowly crushing him alive and he just wanted to scream so it would be broken.
It was probably less their son being attracted to men that angered the pair, but rather that a relationship could distract him from his studies, the dancing and other 'more important things in life'.

,,A-and...I know I failed the performance, and I stayed at Hoseoks' place for the weekend because...because..."

,,Because you didn't want to face us? Is that what you're trying to say?"
His mother hissed.

,,I-I guess so, I'm really sorry, I swear I will do better, I'm so sorry I know I've failed you-"

,,No. That's the point, Hyungwon. You won't do better. You never do."
The man shouted while rubbing his forehead with his thumb and index finger.

,,We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Hyungwon knew his parents were too focused on leaving a good first expression for unleashing their full anger on him while Hoseok was around.

The younger got up, pulling the older with him, and headed to the staircase with wobbly legs. By the end of it, it felt like his body was going to give up on him.

Hyungwon locked the door behind them and then sank to the floor, letting out the breath he had held during the conversation with his parents.

,,I want to die."

And then the tears that wouldn't come out for two days finally did and he was a sobbing, vulnerable mess on Hoseoks' chest who was rocking him back and forth the entire time, occasionally showering his puffed up face with kisses until the numbness finally took over the brunetts' mind again.


I want to stress again that hyungwons' anxiety issues never got treated properly since he himself is oblivious that he has them&his parents don't want to believe their perfect son has problems
I'm also lowkey digging mah boi hoseok here bc BOI DOES HE HAVE SOME SHIT GOING ON ((which will still appear later dont worry my lads)) but he's just all about hyungwon he's such a soft qt is2g
i'm rambling too much i'm annoying sry i'll shut up now luzi out

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