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Hyungwon turned around in his bed the third time in one minute, keeping his eyes squeezed shut so his gaze wouldn't fall onto the digital alarm clock that showed the time.

He knew that with every second the exam he had to take as soon as the day began came closer, and this fact wouldn't let him get sleep.

It wasn't like he wanted to fall asleep, time only passed quicker like that.
Trying to distract himself somehow, he remembered how Hoseoks' hair felt between his fingers yesterday and how calming his voice sounded.

It really made the boy forget his stress long enough, until his thoughts got interrupted by the shrill sound of the alarm on the nightstand.


He showered as long as it was possible to not come too late, Hyungwon also tried to eat something, but his stomach immediatly turned upside down as soon as the food touched his tongue, so he gave up with a sigh.

His mother wasn't home anyways to scold him for barely eating.

Since his parents made him get his drivers' license as soon as he was old enough to legally do it, he drove to school by car every morning.

His fear of the test today paired up by the fear of being too late as the traffic got slower, but luckily it loosened up again closer to school.

In front of the gates stood a smaller male waiting for Hyungwon.
It was one of his friends, Kihyun, whose parents owned an oil company somewhere in Arabia.
Of course they did.
The brunettes' parents wouldn't let him be friends with anyone who wasn't at least a millionare, after all.

,,Hey, can I borrow your sheets?"

Kihyun greeted with a yawn.
Other than the taller, he didn't really care how well he did in his education.
If he passed the year, everything was fine for him, even though his grades were still disastrous.
He was a great friend though, he was always there if Hyungwon needed help or someone to talk to.

And he was less loud than his other friend, Minhyuk, who now came running towards them.
With a gigantic, bright smile on his thin face.

,,How much did you study?"

The white-haired male talked their entire way over the schoolyard.

,,I started two weeks ago, I can not even imagine not passing. Like there is no way I won't.
My brother gave me his old school books, there was some useful shit in them, I bet I can use it in the test.
Guys, this is one of the last ones this year, then we graduate! Aren't you excited?"

The huge grin plastered across his face wouldn't disappear, and as much as Hyungwon loved Minhyuk, he would even smash his head with a sledgehammer if that was the only thing that made him shut up.

As soon as the front portals of the building came in sight, everything fell into slow motion for him.
All the noises around him of the other students, laughing, talking, walking, breathing, became much more quiet and all he could hear was his own, racing heartbeat.

There was no way he was going to survive this.



,,Take me to a toilet. I think i'm going to throw up."


Angst angst angst. Also new covers bois

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