Chapter 17

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"Hey guy- wow! Sara what happened to you? You look.. different. Hotter even," Calum said as we walked outside.

"Hey, she's mine," Luke said.

"Okay so I will go with Luke while Sydney and Sara will go with Calum," Ashton states. "Michael and Jesy are going to go pick up Brent and Strike and then other people might show up. Sara, wear these sunglasses when you get out of the car and walk to Luke's house." He hands me a pair of sunglasses and I put them on now so I don't forget. "We aren't going to make it obvious that we are sneaking you into the house so just casually walk in. Got it?" I nod my head.

"Alright, let's get going," Calum says. Luke gets into his car and Ashton gets into the passenger seat. Sydney takes the passenger seat of Calum's car so I sit in the back.

"So is Ashton your favorite brother?" I ask Sydney. I hate sitting in quiet car rides so I have to start up a conversation.

"Somewhat," she answers, laughing. "I mean he is my twin and all so...."

"Wait, you guys are twins?"

"Yea. And I guess he's my favorite brother. I mean he doesn't tease me as much as Justin and he doesn't annoy me as much as Harry so I guess he's my favorite be default."

"Oh," I say. We both laugh.

"Do you have any siblings?" she asks.

"No. I'm an only child. Although, Jesy could be considered practically my sister because we always hang out," I answer. We both laugh again.

"I'm going to turn on some tunes," Calum says. When he turns the radio on, If You Can't Hang by Sleeping Sirens is on.

"Turn it up!" I yell from the back seat. Sydney turns the volume up loud. The three of us start singing along to the song until we reach Luke's house. Calum parks the car in the driveway and turns the music down.

"Okay, so here's the plan," Calum says, turning to me. "Luke and Ashton are already inside. We can not look like we are rushing to get in there and if your parents come over to question us, you lost your voice and can not speak. Got it?" I nod. "Then let's go."

The three of us get out of the car and start to walk to the house.

"You!" I hear my mom yell from next door. She comes running over to us. "Calum, right?" she asks. He nods his head. "Have you seen my daughter, Sara? She is in a boat load of trouble when we find her, but right now we are worried about her. Yesterday she stormed out of our house with Luke and they left in his car. I thought maybe she would be with him when he returned, but she didn't get out of his car. Have you seen her, anywhere?" I do my best to keep a poker face. Calum tries not to look a me.

"No. Sorry. I can't say I have seen her," Calum answers.

"Are you sure?" Calum nods. A frown appears on her face. "Oh, well, thank you anyways." Then she turns around and walks back to our house. The three of us turned back to Luke's house and walked inside. Luke greeted us at that door and didn't say anything until the door was closed behind us.

"Did she grill you with questions?" Luke asked Calum.

"A little but not really," Calum answered.

"Oh my god! I thought she was never going to let me into my own house she asked me so many questions!"

"How many?" Sydney says, sitting down on the couch.

"Probably fifty," Ashton answers.

"I was getting questions like 'Where's my daughter?' 'What did you do with her?' 'Where did you leave her?' 'Why isn't she with you?" I mean she couldn't have asked me 'Where's my daughter?' enough times. That question alone was like twenty times," Luke said. He came over and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Looks like Michael's car is here," Sydney says, looking out the window.

"Oh great," I say.

"Don't worry," Luke says. "They won't know it's Jesy."

"That's not what I'm worried about."

"Well, let's just see how this all plays out."

We looked out the window. We saw my mother come running over to them and she started to talk to them. She looked to be yelling something at Strike and he was yelling back. Oh great. Finally, my mom gave up and stormed back to her house. Michael, Jesy, Brent, and an angry Strike walked up to Luke's house.

"Your mother is really annoying, no offense," Strike said once he was inside.

"I thought she wasn't going to stop until one of us admitted," Jesy said taking off her sunglasses. "I'm just glad she didn't recognize you or me. Although, I almost didn't recognize you, Sara." We laughed as we went to hug each other. "It feels like ages ago was the last time I saw you."

"I know," I said. "Even though it was only yesterday." We both laughed.

"But so much has happened."

"I know."

"So are we going to start this party of just stand here?" Brent asked.

"Let's get this party started!" Luke said. 

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