Chapter 23

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Luke was standing there, handcuffed, with his mother by his side, also handcuffed. I tried to move towards them, but I couldn't. I don't know what was holding me back. I tried to call to them but I had no voice.

My parents walked into the room. They went straight to Luke and Liz. My dad had a baseball bat in his hands. He hit it against his hand and tried to look intimidating.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you have no place to hide now, Hemmings. And where Sara, you ask? Why she will be no help to you. We made sure she won't be disturbing us anytime soon," my dad said.

"You can't keep her locked up in there forever," Luke said. My mom slapped him across the face.

"Don't you dare speak to us like that!" she yelled.

"Don't touch my son!" Liz yelled back. That's when my mom started beating her.

My mom through punch after punch at Liz. Liz had no way to fight back. Luke just stood there, silently, watching his mother get beat. He looked like he was ready to cry. I wish I could run to him and hug him. What am I strapped int anyways?

I looked down to see that my parents had made sure I was good and secured in this seat. I couldn't budge at all.

When I looked back up, I wish I hadn't. Liz was beaten down and unconscious. Somebody came and took her away. She looked like she was still alive, which was good. My mom and dad turned their attention towards Luke.

"Did you see what happened to your mother? Would you like that to happened to you?" my mom said. Luke looked down at the ground.

"Why did you beat her?" Luke almost whispered.

"What was that, boy?" my dad said.

"You heard me loud and clean."

"Do you want to get beat?"


The look on my dad's face was sickening. I looked away from his face and looked to Luke's face. His beautiful face.

"You don't actually love Sara. She's just another little fling you're going to have then get rid of in a couple months once you get what you want, sex," my mom said.

"That's not true. I love Sara more than life," Luke answered.

"Don't lie to us," my dad said.

"I'm not lying. I would give up anything to be with her. I would give up anything to make her happy. I would die for her." Luke knew he made a mistake by saying those last words.

"Well, then. I guess you're dying for her."

My dad started to swing the bat repeatedly at Luke. I tried to scream out but I couldn't be heard. Luke fell to the ground and my dad still beat him. My mom just sat on the sidelines, laughing. Luke laid in a crippled mass once my dad was finished.

"He won't be able to break your heart now, Sara," my dad said. My parents turned towards me, the baseball bat still at hand.

"Now, don't ever defy us again, young lady. We wouldn't want to have to kill someone else. Like you," my mom said.

My dad raised the bat in his hands. It started to come down on me and-

Somebody was shaking me.

"Sara, wake up," I heard someone say. I slowly opened my eyes. Luke was looking at me with a worried expression.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I hugged him tightly and cried into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. He rubbed circles in my back to try and calm me down. "It's okay, Sara. Everything's going to be okay."

"That was the worst night mate ever," I said into his shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Okay. I'm not going to pressure you into telling me. Whenever you're ready, you can tell me."

I rested my chin on his shoulder. I looked around and realized I was no longer in the living room.

"I brought you up here when you started to fall asleep. I stayed because you started to whimper in your sleep," Luke said, as if he could read my mind.

"Thank you," I replied, kissing his cheek.

"Anything for my girl."

I smiled and let go from the hug. I laid down in the bed and looked at Luke who was kneeling next to it. I motioned for him to join me in the bed. He laid down next to me and pulled me close. I rested my head on his shoulder and fell back asleep. Hopefully this dream will be better.

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