Chapter 3

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I feel a sharp pain on my arm, I lift my eyes. Sun seeps into my eyes, I squint and turn to the direction where the pain came from. I look down at my arm, blood drips down from it. I sit up and turn around. Peter crouches on the other side of the cage, with a dagger pointed at me in his hands. "Why did you cut me?" I ask him, while wiping away the blood.
"Glad your awake, now get up or there will be more blood. Don't want that staining your white dress." A sinister grin creeps onto his face. I stand up and brush dirt off my nightgown. The cage shakes, and a well hidden door opens, with Collin behind the door opening it. "Get out." He says simply. I hesitate at the rudeness of his tone. How can someone be so rude to someone they've never met. I crawl out of the confined space, into the opening in the forest. I am greeted by Peter and his dagger.

He grasps my wrists in iron grip. I try to pull free of him but there is no use. He tugs my arms behind me and bounds my wrists together with rope. He leans in and whispers in my ear. "Now you're going to do what I tell you to do." I pull out of his grip and sigh.
"You're a liar Pan." I say in an attempt to Frazzle him, but I know it's like a feather to a brick wall.

I am shoved from behind as I am led through the forest, the sun shines down on me through the trees. Peter is right behind me, his dagger pointed into my back. Collin leads the way through the forest. We reach the camp. A fire pit with logs surrounding it is the first thing I see. Before I know it Peter grabs me and shoves me to the ground. I make a thud as I fall over into dirt. "Ow, that hurt!" I say. Peter snickers, and crouches down in front of me. "You think that hurt, you must be pretty weak." I wriggle my wrists around in an attempt to free my hands. The rope loosens and a thought occurs to me. "How dare you Pan, i am not weak!-" he cuts me off with his dagger, as he holds it up near my face.

Peter walks over to the other side of the fire pit, eyeing my every move but little does he know I have a plan. He turns his back towards me. No one is watching me. They made the wrong move. I stand up quietly and quickly, then I start running out of the camp. Hoping I go unnoticed. I run away from the camp and around trees, it feels good to move my legs. Not long after my escape I hear screams. They're after me now.

I reach an opening in the forest with wild flowers growing and long grass that reaches up to my calfs. I hear some boys voices in the forest not far behind me. I run through the grass, but I am tackled down in the grass by someone side on. They pin me down on the ground by my wrists, whoever it is, is on top of my back; which adds to the pressure on me.
"Thought you could get away did you?" A British accent whispers in my ear. Peter.
"Get off me!" I yell, I try to squirm out from under him but I can feel his little dagger on me. This is no way to treat a lady. "I will find a way to leave." I threaten him. As he slides off me, pulling my wrists together "Theo get over here!" He yells.
"Wendy, did I ever tell you... No one leaves Neverland." I feel another set of hands on me, and then something hits my head with a thud. I'm out.

My head aches in pain, as I slowly regain consciousness. I open my eyes, and see that I am thrown over someone's shoulder. Their feet stomping along the ground which is speckled in perfect green leaves. I hang over them lifelessly. With no energy. I lift my head, and see no one behind me. I think about rolling off the person, but I decide that it would just increase the pain I feel all over me.

The person slides me off their shoulder. Theo greets me, "Welcome back to life" he plasters on a fake smile. I groan, as soon as I am put down, I realise that my wrists and ankles are bounded together. This time I won't bother trying to loosen it, it's too tight.
"What good is it if I am bounded together, and I am your... what should I call it slave?" I ask in annoyance to anyone who listens. I glance at Theo who is sitting on a log opposite me, carving something into a block with his dagger. He looks up at me, and mouths 'shut up' to me. I frown, what a rude being. But then again they're probably all rude.

"When I cut the ropes, light the fire and don't try anything. Okay love?" Peter comes up from behind me, and slices the ropes. I pull my arms into my lap, and massage my wrists. He the cuts the ropes on my ankles and watches me not taking any chances. I light the fire as per his instructions. "Watch her." He warns Theo.

"I'm taking you back to your cage." Theo says to me, while grabbing my wrists, and dragging me to a corner near the trees. "You know you don't have to grab my wrists and drag me I can walk." I state.
"Pan doesn't want us taking any chances with what you did."
"Why does he want me so badly. He should just take me back to my world." I half beg when I say this, I do want to leave. I will leave.
"You should really just shut up. We will be back later, since you ruined your first day here. For now though. Stop asking questions, Pan asks the questions." We reach the cage, he swings the door open and throws me in the cage. As I expected.

Later that night Emmet comes and takes me from my cage. "Behave." Is all he says. I obey as we trudge through the forest. My stomach rumbles. It is only now that I realise that I am starving. When we near the camp the smell of cooking food wafts through the air invading my nose. This only makes my hunger grow. "I bet your very hungry." Emmet says breaking the silence, "I sure am... Do I get to eat?" I ask, expecting to hear the answer that I don't want. But in surprise I get a positive reply. "Yeah... we may treat you like a piece of dirt, but we are always going to feed you. Trust me we're not that heartless." He lets out a short laugh. In return I join in, but it's only half hearted.

We finish eating and I am welcomed to join in the nightly fire. We gather around the pit, the burning wood warming my icy cold skin. Peter comes out of his tent, all the boys cheer. I have no idea why they are cheering; then all of the sudden they all start dancing around the burning embers. The flames casting shadows on them. Then Peter pulls out a pan flute. He begins blowing into it, creating an enchanting melody that flows beautifully through the night. As he plays his eyes linger on the flames that cast shadows onto his face that make all his features pop. The night lives on. But when it ends I am thrown into a cage that is right beside the embers of the fire. 'To keep me warm' they said. I hate how they treat me and I am going to put a stop to it. They just think I am a weak and frightened girl who is easy to control. No. In my seventeen years of living, I know how to stand up to someone.

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