Chapter 16

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I lift the flap and walk through to my room. Little miss Wendy Darling is as clueless as ever. So if she wants to play these little games, well she's in for a challenge. I sit down in the chair by my bed, a dark smirk gracing my face. I spin the dagger around in my fingers, thinking to myself. Is she wants me to be bloody evil, I'm going to show her some bloody evil.


I wake up to someone's hands on my shoulder shaking me. Theo. I shoot froward in a rush, "what?" I ask standing up and slipping my boots on.
"Your little Wendy is attempting to expose you." I chuckle.
"Wendy, expose me? For what?"
"She says your a pure demon and that we are under your spell." I let out another laugh as we walk out of the tent. Outside the tent is Wendy standing on a large rock to make herself look more powerful, the boys crowd around her as she yells. She doesn't see that I have come out of the tent. "Well well well, what do we have here?" I say making myself known. Her head jerks towards me, she folds her arms and attempts to look tough.
"I was just telling the boys how evil you really are." I raise my eyes and do a dramatic representation of being offended. "And do the believe you?" I ask scanning the boys faces. The all shake their head as if to say no but my eyes stop at Milo, he looks uncertain. "Milo? Do you believe stupid little Wendy?" I say forcing him with my eyes to say no. "They don't Wendy, your brilliant plan to bring me down has failed. Oh no." I say sarcastically. She scowls at me, "what's your next move Wendy... to kill me?" I taunt her. "Oh wait you can't that's right, silly me." I add.
"Pan do you really think you can beat me in your little games?" I chuckle.
"Oh is it not clear to you that I won already?" I say laughing through my nose. She steps off of her rock and steps towards me, still keeping her distance. "The only thing that your winning at Pan is being a little heartless coward." She clenches her jaw taking another step toward me. "Is that so..." I trail off, I reach for my dagger in my pocket- but it's not there I must have left it in the tent. "Throw her in the cage!" I yell keeping my eyes locked onto her. "With Anna-Beth?" Emmet asks.
"Yes with Anna-Beth." Wendy tries fighting against Emmet and Abe who are pulling her to the cage, her heels dragging along the ground. I start to walk in her direction, Theo tags along by my side. She is pushed into the cage, she stumbles back and falls down.
They slam the cage door shut and lock it. I crouch down beside her and grip the bars.
"Unfortunately for you Wendy all I can do is keep you here until you obey."
"You never consider how I feel Pan!" She says loudly.
"Oh trust me I did. I tried my best to see things from your point of view." I pause.
"But your point of view is stupid." I move my gaze to Anna who sits in the corner.
"Hello Anna." I say raising my eyebrows. "You see Wendy, Anna over here obeys my orders." Anna lifts her head from her knees. "And Anna can come out." I say, Wendy's face retorts and she clenches her jaw, obvious anger fuming from her. Anna crawls over as I open the door for only her to get out, I hold out my hand and help her stand up. I lock the door behind me. "Now Anna, can you please tell me everything." I say as we sit down on a log by the fire pit. "I thought I told you everything." She says confused.
"Oh you did, but you see not everything, I need everything."
"Theo fetch my dagger!" I call to Theo, he runs to my a tent and returns with dagger in hand, he hands it to me I take it. "Tell me everything or unfortunate the dagger will have to be used." I say more demanding. She clears her throat.
"Well, the thing is I'm not from Wendy's world." I retort. What?
"There are multiple worlds Peter, I am from a different world, but theres a catch." She pauses, what could possibly be the catch? "What's the year in Wendy's world?" She asks, I stop to think. "1990." I answer.
"You see I'm from a parallel world, exactly like Wendy's except the year in my world is 1904." I feel my jaw drop. I have no words. So this laddie wants to tell me she's from a different world to Wendy's and she is from god knows how many years ago. "Then how the bloody hell are you here?" I ask confused. "And how do you know your from a different world to Wendy?" I add.
"The one who sent me here told me everything I need to know."
"And you better tell me everything." I demand spinning my dagger.
"And why should I do that?" I shove the blade into her neck, but stop right before it inserts into the skin, "because I have this." She rolls her eyes clearly annoyed. Why are girls so silly? "Fine." She says scowling at me, I move to the dagger away slowly.
"Speak." I demand sternly.
"I was sent here to kill Wendy." I chuckle is she actually bloody serious right now.
"I can see."
"No, trying to rip out her heart was a distraction." She pauses. "I am the one who is tapping into her mind and slowly killing her from the inside out."


Hey guys, so I hoped you liked this chapter.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for this story I would love to hear them.
I have a huge ending in store for this book, but that is still a long way to come.

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