Chapter 25

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I rest my head in the cage, they locked me in again. I let out a sigh and close my eyes, and enter the world of sleep again. I close my eyes and drift off.

Light shines in, wow that was a quick sleep. I literally just fell asleep I though- I guess time really does fly when your having fun. I open my eyes and sit toward away from the cage and stretch out my limbs, I still feel very tired.

I sit forward and peer out of the bars, no one. Just a lonely camp. Quiet and boring. I slide back into the cage wall and sigh. Why is life like this?
Why can't I go back home?
Why did I have to make the silly mistake of coming here? With the devil, Peter Pan.
The boy who stole my first kiss. The boy who pretty much took away my freedom and life. Not literally, but like I have no life!
Back at home, I had school, I had friends, I had my beautiful father and mother and John and Michael. I had a life. But that's gone now thanks to me and my silly ability to be so damn gullible.

I glance out side the cage by tilting my head. I frown in confusion. That's weird. Why is the sky like that? The sky is a light grey, almost like an overcast day or as if it is late in the afternoon and the sun is setting. Maybe it will storm again? I hope not.

I hear movement out of my sight, and see Emmet walk out of his tent stretching his arms up. He must have just woken up.
"Morning." I say with a smile, I snaps his head back out of his sleepy trance.
"Oh Hey!" He says groggily and walks towards my cage and sits down cross legged in front of the cage door. "I had a quick sleep- at least it felt like that." He says as he looks up into the sky. And just like me he frowns and turns back to me and points to the sky.
"I'm so confused right now. Why is the sky like that? Do you think it's going to storm?" He asks. I shake my head and look up again. "I don't know, it was sunny and hot one minute and the next it's like this." He nods his head and runs his fingers through his brown hair.
"When did you wake up?" He asks as he rips up leaves that have fallen from trees.
"About ten minutes ago."
"Huh, that's weird and it was sunny when you woke up right?"
"Certainly, in fact sun was the thing that woke me up."
"Very weird." He mumbles. I nod my head agreeing with him.

The other boys are up and mill around until they smell food.
"You want to eat or what?" Emmet asks as he opens the cage. I nod and stand up and brush my free off. We walk through the tent and all the boys are either in their seats or walking around. Me and Emmet sit down, Pan nowhere to be seen- he must be sleeping.
The food is placed on the table along with plates and cutlery. They are quite civilised for an island that floats in the clouds. I grab food and like it onto my plate and start eating. It is only now that I realise how hungry I am.

Peter walks out of his bedroom thing which is right in the other half of the tent. It is divided into two and his bedroom is in the other half. "See you started eating with out me." He dates as he plonks down in his throne. He piles food onto his plate.
"Well.... we were bloody hungry." Jayden stars casually as he shoves a potato in his mouth. Peter chuckles as he starts to eat his meal.

Once I finish my filling food, I walk over to the sink and dump it in. Griffin grabs it and washes it in the soapy water. "You need help?" I ask, I normally help when I can but he prefers to do it himself. He shakes his head indications no and I nod and walk out of the tent and frown, this is not supposed to happen. Unless a very very strong sand rom is on its way. "Ummmm, it looks like night time outside and it's the morning." I say as I peek my head through the flap in the tent. Pan frowns who has finished eating and stands up and walks out with the boys trailing outside.

As soon as he walks out he halts to a stop, making Jayden smack into him. I would laugh but the sky looks like night time, when it's morning and I woke up an hour ago.
"What the hell?" Pan says as he walks away from the tent and spins around scanning the sky. At night time the cloud are normally pops of pastel colour but instead they are shades of grey and black. Something is not right, not at all.

The boys file out of the tent and react the same way. The black sky overwhelming the little camp and its inhabitants. "This should not be happening!" Peter says as he paces back and forth. I stare up at the sky and notices it very slowly getting shades lighter.
"It's getting lighter!" Abe yells. Peter flicks his head up and scans the sky, judging it. It slowly returns to a dark blue, then and orangey shade and then blue. Light blue, as if it's morning again. The sun pokes up out of the white clouds, it radiates heat. Now I am speechless, I just witnessed it literally go through night in one hour.
"Something's wrong. Very wrong." Peter says as he runs his fingers through his hair.
"Maybe we should watch it and see if it does it again, because that was not a storm." I suggest. Pan not wanting to say yes simply grants and places his hands on his hips and stares at the sky like the rest of us.

And once again, it gets gradually darker, the clouds swell and then black. But not as black as the sky. It is black, like nothingness. The clouds swirl around, with the moon in the middle. Then again it slowly gets lighter turning to daytime again.
"Times speeding up." I say under my breath.
"What's that?" Pan asks.
"Times speeding up." I say loud and clear.

Wow she's got a brain!



Sorry once again if this was boring but in the next few chapters, stuff like this will be happening. But don't skip it! It's all leading up to important things.


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