Chapter 19

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"Emmet please let me out." I beg, my hands gripping the bars. Anna-Beth never came back, maybe she got to go home? "Sorry girlie, Pans orders." He says blankly as he leans against a tree with his arms folded causally watching me. I grunt and sit back more comfortably. "Why do you so badly want to prove that Pan is bad, because-" Emmet starts but is cut off by a familiar voice, Peters. "Want some food?" He asks simply as he emerges form dark shade into the morning sun, he holds some type of bread in his hands. "No." I say even though in reality my stomach would probably kill me right now, maybe a hunger strike will work? He shrugs and then says "well if you won't eat, then I will." He then bites into the bread and chews it, dramatically as he mumbles about how good food is. "Big day ahead Emmet go gather the boys and get ready to fight." Emmet then leaves, leaving me alone with a Pan. "Where's the witch?" I ask referring to Anna, he scoffs and laughs. Why is he laughing? Strange little boy.
"Well she went home." I knew it!
"You let her." I say wanting to verify my win.
"No, she left, you see she wasn't who you thought she was-" I cut him off.
"She was secretly a bastard- oh wait silly me, she already was that." I say sarcastically.
"No, she was Persephone, Cora."
"What!?" She is a goddess.
"Yep, she was sucked into a whirl pool and was sent here, then she wanted to make trouble and today I am going to fix that." Sh says briefing over the story.
"What trouble?" I ask.
"Pixi dust, hook has it." He says as he walks toward the cage. He reaches in his pocket- probably for his dagger to threaten me- but no. Bread. Bread? He throws it through the bars, "you're hungry. Eat." He says with a small smirk before walking off.

I am left to my thoughts, once again.
So this Cora, she was sucked into a whirlpool and ended up here. There's still so many unanswered questions. I'll have to interview Pan when we get the time, or if he actually listens to me.


We set off into the forest leaving Wendy in her cage. I lead the way to Hooks ship, "so boys, the aim of the game is to get the pixi dust." I call verifying the plan.
We reach the outskirts of the tree line, that is right by Hooks ship. I hold my hand up and flick it forward as a signal to go. The boys all line the forest and all start charging towards the boat. They emerge from the trees charging with their spears. I run after they have gone towards the boat, we all jump on to the deck. Hook nowhere in sight, he must be below. "Hook, come out, come out where ever you are!" I call in a sing-song voice. I hear his steps coming up the stairs, I grip my dagger in my hand.
"Peter Pan, never thought I'd see you again." He says as he emerges onto the top deck to face us all, we create a circle around him so where ever he goes, he has to fight.
"Well I was wondering if you heard anything about... pixi dust?" I say slowly moving toward him. "No why?" He lies, he sits on a throne of lies, oh wait not a throne, a throne is for a king. "I'm afraid you're lying." I say as I hold my dagger up to his neck. "Where is it?" I hiss into his ear.
"You and your gang can go try to find it... but you won't." He says as he pushes the dagger away with his hook. I scowl and slowly transform it into a grin.
"Come on boys! Lets play." I yell as I raise my hand up in the air. Some of the boys run down to below deck, while others search around on the upper deck.
"Where is it Hook!?" I yell as I circle him.
"Why do you want it?" He asks.
"I need to return it to where it belongs, which might I add, is not with you." I say loud and clear. "Where the bloody heck is the pixi dust laddie?" I say as I tackle him to the ground and pin him to the deck by his wrists. He scowls.
"I saw you and your group coming and so I hid it." He says raising his eyebrows. How did he see it?
"It's a simple question Killian, you just have to answer it."
"Okay, a little hint, it's not on the ship." I clench my jaw, and get off him before realising that all the boys have returned to the upper deck, with no pixi dust. "Wasn't anywhere Pan" Abe states. I scoff, obviously mate.
"Theo, come here." I say with my eyes locked onto Hook, he walks over.
"Tie him up." I say so only Theo can hear it. He nods and before hook can get away Theo and I have him with his hand and hook behind his back, Theo pulls out rope and wraps it tightly.

"You know, tying me up will not do anything." Hook states.
"Well, it is because you are going to show me where it is... now." I say responding to him as I circle around him spinning my dagger in my hands.
"I'm not telling you anything." He scoffs. I stop and stand closely in front of him.
"Yes, yes you are because I am going to make you." I say as I hold the dagger in front of his face showing it off. "What, with a butter knife?" He says. I scoff.
"Clearly mr Hook you don't know the difference between a knife that can kill you and a knife to spread butter with." I say as I grab his collar and drag him off the boat throwing him onto the dirt with a thud, he groans as he rolls over onto his back. I step over him and bend down with my dagger close to his eye. "Where is it?" I snarl.
"Not telling." He taunts.
"Oh you are." I say as I drag my dagger down the side of his face just so lightly to cut, but not enough to draw blood. He winces a little bit, "aw that hurt, poor little hooks hurst everybody." I say, he scowls at me and tries to roll away but my foot stops him.
"You're not going anywhere." I pause. "Where!" I say loudly.
"Do you really want to know?" He asks with a stern look.
"Well... I ate it." He says as he chuckles after. I clench my jaw and press my dagger it his arm slowly. "No jokes hook!" I say again.
"You and your bloody dagger." He grunts as he wriggled his arm away from the dagger.
"Bloody hell, I'll tell you where it is." He gives in, I grin and squat next to him.
"Where?" I ask with triumph and confidence, he sighs.
"The mermaids have it."

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