Chapter 2

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The corner of my vision blacken, slowly spreading. The last I see is the golden orb illuminating the space around me. My body weakens. My vision closes. I feel myself falling. But I can't stop myself. The power over me is too compelling. What have I done?

"Throw her in the cage." A familiar voice projects. I feel my body slam against hard, cold dirt. I force my drowsy eyes open. Through the slither my eyes have provided me with, I see darkness. Darkness surrounding me. I try saying something, but it only comes out in a crackly voice. Where am I?

I hear the sound of footsteps, trudging through the dirt, but they are only getting father away. I reach out my arm to try and figure out my surroundings, it hits some sort of bar, I drag it along and there is more of them. I squint to try and adapt my eyes to the darkness. I see bars all around me, surrounding me like a cage. I am in a cage. Why on earth would I be in a cage. Oh wait I'm in Neverland, that's right.

My eyes adjust to the darkness giving me a better view of my surroundings. The cage appears to be made of bamboo, and is held together with a type of vine, I am surrounded by dirt and rocks. I lean onto my knees and grasp the bars, "Help... someone!" I yell in the attempt that someone will help me. Peter! Maybe Peter can help me.
"Peter, anyone! Help I am trapped in a cage!" I scream once again. Suddenly I hear a flicker, and a flame illuminates the space. Behind the flame, is a face. Peters face!
"Oh thank god, Peter you have come to help me." I smile at Peter who returns it, but there is something very evil about it that makes my stomach churn. He crouches down to meet my eye level, holding a lantern by his head.
"Oh Wendy, how clueless can you be." I retort, and my smile fades, what does he mean?
"What?-" I start but I am cut off by his words.
"Once you touch that orb, your bounded to Neverland forever. You can never leave Neverland. You can never leave me." I sink back into the corner of the cage, my stomach flips. A sudden burst of hatred clouds over me, I pounce forward at Pan, gripping the bars, "I trusted you. You liar!" I scream. Peter inches closer to me. He scoffs and lets out a wicked laugh, but it is short lived. His face softens into a more serious expression.
"What pan wants, Pan gets." He pauses and smiles a little bit. "And luckily for me I got you. Now sleep tight love, you have a big day ahead." He leans back and stands up, fading into the darkness. The flame goes out. He turns around and walks away.

I sink back. How could I have been so stupid, to actually trust this boy. I run my fingers through my tangled hair. The cold night air whisking through me. I shiver and pull my knees to my chest, and wrap my arms around them, resting my head back on the cage.
I am left to my own haunting thoughts of regret. I drift off into sleep, with its own punishment.

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