Chapter 29

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My body is flown overboard I land in the swirling waves, I am carried with it. I unintentionally swallow a heap of salty water. I choke a bit and then I feel a wave of water hit my face. I am flown back closer to the hole. I see a purple flash that goes from Peter to me, did we just both get struck by lightening? No I would be dead. Am I dead?

His body is flung overboard and lands right by me with a twirling motion. I reach out and grab his arm, the water becomes too powerful. He grips my arm as well. The water swirls us into the hole, water invading our lungs and my vision starts to cloud. We are pulled underwater, not by the mermaids but by the storm. By the swirling hole. We are pulled under, deeper and deeper and closer and closer to the hole. Our grip on each other starts to loosen and I feel him being ripped away from me. No! I need to live even if it's here!

My vision closes and I enter the dark world, of death.
Or sleep?
Or both?
I already hate this.
I'd even rather be with Peter right now.
I hear ringing in my ears.
Unfamiliar scents invade my nostrils. Clean and sanitary.

That's my question. Wait... is this heaven?


Hey guys!

So there is like only a few chapters left of this book!
Some are long and some are short.


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