Chapter 11

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I press my back against the cage. I stare at the girl, she looks like she's out of some horror movie. Slowly my eyes close, sending me into sleep...

Suddenly a feel a cold blade on my neck. I swallow expecting Pan to be threatening me. I open my eyes, slam my head back into the cage. The girl is literally two inches from my face, her almost black eyes piercing mine. A grin on her face. Evil. My heart pounds, I clench my jaw and look down at the dagger, she pulls it back slightly. Where would she get that!?

She clamps her hand over my mouth, muffling my screams. She lets out a spine tingling laugh, sending chills down my spine. "Tick Tock Wendy." She whispers. I reach out my arm, trying to shove her away from me. She grips my arm and twists it. I manage to get out of her grip, I bite her hand, it tastes like dirt. She pulls her hand back in pain, she surveys it, but only quickly. I shove my whole body weight against the cage door. It doesn't budge. My heart beats faster and faster. The girl grabs my back, and pins me down, her elbow on my neck. I scowl. Her crazy face twitches. I rip her arm off me, and with the momentum I throw my self against the cage door again. The cage cracks, I fall through it on the ground. I scramble out of it. "Help!" I yell in Panic. I get up and run to the forest. In the dark of night it's a lot scarier. The girl is right behind me on my trail. Hopefully someone heard me. Mist surrounds me everywhere in these dense woods. I run, my lungs burning. My night gown catches on a branch. I tug at it but it doesn't budge, oh no. I pull at the fabric. I look up, the girl right in front of me. "What do you want!" I yell in desperation. She twirls the dagger in her fingers.
"Oh it's not what I want, it's what I need." What the hell does this mean. My dress rips on the branch. Finally. I run off, the girl out hunting me. Suddenly I run into a body. The girl found me again. She backs me into a tree. I have no escape. She holds the dagger up to my throat. "What do you need from me?" I say, I struggle to break free from her grip. "I need your heart." Nope. Anger mixed with fear, comes hurling through me. I growl, I push against her grip. Her knife slices across my collarbone. I wince. But there's no time for pain. I push her forward, she stumbles back, I duck under her arm. But then my heel catches on a rock. I fall over backwards, knocking the wind out of me. I gasp. I guess no one heard me scream. She stands over me, her tangled black hair, scattered over her face. "Now your all mine." She dives at me, I hold out my elbow. It hits her in the side, she rolls over in pain. I roll over the other side and scramble to my feet, gasping for a single breath. She rises from the ground, heaving with anger. I start to run away. But I wasn't fast enough, I feel her dive towards me tackling me, the impact, making my neck jerk forward, I groan in pain. Why would she want my heart?
"Help!" I scream, it comes out all croaky. The girl sits on top of me, holding the dagger above my head. I push at her arm, which she tries to force into my flesh. My arm gives out sending her dagger through my arm. I scream out in pain. Suddenly something snaps in her. She gets off me her eyes no longer blank, instead coated with fear. She stumbles back, and drops the knife to the ground and looks at her hands, shaking. I double over in pain, slowly my vision closes in on me, I hear some shouts. The boys. The last whisp I see is Peters face. My senses fade away.

Sorry this chapters shorter than the others, but a lot of action happened.
Hope you liked it :)

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