Chapter 7

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He looks away.
I drift my eyes to the fire. It's warmth providing a security blanket on me.
The night grows old as I stay young. The boys settle, eventually sitting down tired from the dancing and the battle with hook. Milo sits next to me, before I came he came. And now he's under Peters cruel spell. Although I don't know his intentions for them, I suspect they're bad.
I am lead to my cage once again, I sit down in the corner, leaning against the bamboo.  There's something Peters no telling me. He's holding me captive for a reason, if I couldn't leave Neverland then he would let me be. I could roam free, without a constant pair of eyes on my back. When the time is right I shall ask him I decide.


The sun shines into my eyes. I yawn and stretch my arms up, I peer through the gaps in my cage, I look around trying to see if anyone is up. "Hello?" I say quietly, to anyone out there. "Hello." Peter says unlocking my cage, the door opens.
"Oh... May I come out?" I ask him. He stretches out his hand to me.
"Yes... you may." I grab his hand, as he helps me up. I straiten my back and look around, the familiar trees enclose the camp. "I would like to take you on a walk." Peter insists, but it felt more like a demand. We walk along the path in silence mixed with tension. I decide to break the awkwardness. "Where are we going?"
"Places." He answers short and sharp.
"Why aren't you tying my wrists together or something?" I question this, he's letting me walk freely, and not being tied up or knocked out. He chuckles. "Because, I need to see if I can trust you to walk, without trying to run away." He needs to trust me, gosh I don't think he has ever been in my position. He broke my trust. "I have learnt my lesson about running away." I lie. I still have the urge to push him away and run. But where would I go, I can't fly. "Wendy, you have not."
"Excuse me!?" I ask, confused as to how he can tell, I try making it not obvious.
"You heard me. I'm not falling for your" He stops in his tracks and turns around to face me. I scowl at him, Peters eyes dart behind me. "Hey you!" He yells, I spin around. A person, not much shorter than me hides behind a tree. Their cloak peeks out from behind it. I recognise the chestnut brown hair. "Milo?" I ask. Slowly he comes out from behind the tree. Peters stern expression softens to a grin, he walks past me towards Milo. "What are you doing here?" He asks, Milo sighs. I can tell he was relieved that he did not get mad at him. Milo speaks up. "I wanted to join you guys-that's okay right?" He asks, his eyes hopeful. I look at Peter since as always he's in control of everything. Peter nods and waves him over. "Yeah you can join." He walks to the front again, Milo walking beside me. "So Wendy, how old are you?" He asks curiosity powering him. "I am seventeen, I was supposed to be turning eighteen in 4 months but..." I trail off, not knowing if I am aloud to say. Peter laughs. I know why.
"But you came here instead, and so your family won't celebrate with you?" Milo says attempting to piece together why I didn't finish my sentence. The corners of my mouth tug upwards, I have to be hopeful. "Hey you're the same age as Peter!" Well I'm guessing Peter would be much older, but he decided to pause the ageing process. "Is that so?"

When we enter the camp, after the walk that was filled with questions from milo. I could tell Peter wanted to talk, but he decided to cram his mind with deep thoughts. I smell fresh bread cooking over the fire. I wonder where they get their ingredients from?
"Breakfasts ready!"  Griffin shouts. Everyone cowards iron the biggest tent of them all. I follow them in, a large table inside with many chairs surrounding the table. One at the head of the table, that looks to be a throne, must be for Peter. I look around as everyone finds their places, I stand there awkwardly until Emmet waves for me to come over and sit next to him. I sit down next to him and smile thanking him.

Once I finish eating, I realise I am one of the last at the table, besides Peter. He watches me, uncomfortably. I stand up and take my plate to a bucket, as Griffin cleans them, I feel the urge to help and so I offer it. "Can I help?" I say rolling up my sleeves. Griffin turns around surprised at an offer. I'm guessing no one ever wants to help. "Sure, yes thank you." He smiles, I smile back.

"Can I help?" She asks Griffin, i frown, confused. Why would someone willingly want to help clean? I kick my legs up in the table and rest back into my seat, I lace my fingers together. "That's nice of you. I would never expect you to help." I say, hoping to get a rise out of her. But instead she simply sighs and turns to me. "Oh Peter, if only you could realise how grateful you are. It's too much for me too handle." She says sarcastically, and dramatically sighs, wiping her forehead. The corners of my turn up, but I quickly shut it down. She shouldn't be distracting me. I get up and walk out of the tent. "Get ready for target practice!" I shout picking up my crossbow. Griffin and Wendy come out of the tent laughing. What could possibly be making her laugh? I snicker, "Wendy my darling, you don't mind if we... use your head as a target do you?" I ask, but I prefer to think of it as a demand. She frowns in fear "What?" She asks. I laugh.
"I want to put an apple on your head, and make the boys shoot through it. Is that okay?" She shakes her head, completely misunderstanding my statement.
"No!" I sigh and look down.
"Well love, that was more of an instruction than an offer. Tie her wrists!" I look up grinning. Pleased at the sight of her trying to fight back from Chance, who ties her wrists behind her back. He pushes her over in front of a tree. "Let me demonstrate." Chance places a perfectly red apple on her head, while her whispers "hold still." I raise the crossbow up to my face, leaning in to aim the arrow. Right in the middle of the apple. Her eyes squeeze shut, bracing for pain. I place my finger on the the trigger. Slowly pressing down. The arrow releases. It pierces through the apple and sends it through the tree. I lower my crossbow, smiling at my glory. I knew I would get it. I never fail. Her eyes open in surprise, shock appearing on her face, she turns behind her and looks up, the apples sits just above her head in the tree, the arrow pierced through it. She turns to me with relief. "Peter Pan, never fails." I state matter of factly. She chuckles and and has the 'really' expression her face. "Peter Pan, fails at many things." What can she mean by this? "Really like what?" She walks over to me, and leans in to my face. "Love, you are unloveable Pan." She whispers. "Now untie me!" She says much clearer and louder than before. How dare she call me unloveable, if I was her I would be hard to resist. Many people have loved me. At least that's what I think.

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