Chapter 8

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I rush out of my tent, the boys surround something, but I can't tell what. I push through them to the centre. Something shiny floats in front of me. I adjust my eyes. What the? Tink? "Tink... what are you doing here, you said-?" She cuts me off, the small fairy floating in front of my face. "I know what I said Peter, but I have come to tell you something." She pauses and takes a deep breath. "The pixi dust... it's all been stolen!" I raise my eyebrows and step back. Who could do this? Wendy... no she doesn't know of pixi dust. Unless... "Wendy did Hook tell you anything about pixi dust?" I ask turning to her. She shakes her head. "Why should I tell you what Hook told me?" I pull out my dagger from my belt, I hold it up to her neck. "Because I asked for it!" Tink comes flying in front of her face holding out her arms guarding Wendy. Why is she guarding Wendy? She would be asking her the same question if she was me. "Peter stop that! Wendy did nothing!" I scowl at Tink, lowering my dagger. I turn away, and walk to a close by log and sit down. Tink flutters back to me, "What do you mean, the fairy dust has been stolen?" I ask.
"I mean, someone snatched all our fairy dust and so I suggest you hold on to what you got." I look down, and pick up my little capsule of pixi dust that hangs around my neck, I spin it around, watching the shimmery dust move with the containment it's in. "Who do you think could have done this?" I ask Tink. There aren't many people on Neverland. She sighs going into a deep thought. "Well there is Captain Hook... but I don't know why he would steal it, other than that I really don't know. But I'm just as shocked as you Peter." I nod, I look up at up at Wendy suspiciously. Instead of taking the approach I did before, I decide I'll go easy on her. "Wendy, for the benefit of Neverland, could you please tell us anything important Hook said to you." I beg, secretly demanding her to answer me in my eyes. She contemplates telling me. "I don't want to throw him under the bus Pan." Anger grows inside of me, I clench  me jaw and look down. Milo. I jerk my head up fast and sit back. "For the benefit of Milo could you please tell me." She sighs, she knows something I know it. But she doesn't want to tell me. "Hook was so nice to me, I'm not going to betray him over your little games." I lick my bottom lip.
"What games am I playing, you're the one playing the games." She shakes her head laughing. Why the hell is she laughing? This is pixi dust, one of the most important things to Neverland. "We will figure it out Peter, trust me.-" I cut Tinkerbell off. "No last time I trusted you, you went behind my back and-" she cuts me off sighing.
"Yes I know, but for now, be cautious and don't let anyone steal anything important to you." I nod, Tinkerbell flys away, leaving a fading trail of glitter as she goes. I glance at Wendy who is chatting with the boys, Tink said don't let anyone steal anything important to you.
"Well boys... and girl, I think we should settle down for the night, someone put Wendy in her cage, then be off to your beds." They all obey and follow my instructions.  I enter my tent and throw myself on my bed. I listen to the mutters of the boys as they say goodnight to each other, I can tell they are shaken up about the pixi dust. When the boys all drift off to sleep, I reach over and grab my pipe, I move it up to my lips, and I starts blowing through it, creating my enchanting tune. This isn't just any old instrument though, only lost people can hear it. I sense that Wendy can hear it, the enchanting notes flowing through her ears. I picture her swaying her head to my music, softly and swiftly. I get up from my bed and move outside of the tent, still playing. "You can hear, can't you?" I say sitting down next to Wendy's cage. She jerks her head up surprised at my sudden appearance. "What?" She asks confused.
"The Pipe... You can hear it." I doubt myself slightly.
"Oh... Yeah I can, but can't everyone." She pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her arms on them. "No Wendy this is special. Only lost people hear it, ones who feel abandoned by their family." I frowns confused, I grin slightly. This could work.
"No you must be lying, because I don't feel that way at all." She says looking at me. I shake my head. "Oh but you do, deep down, you feel completely abandoned." She looks away. She considers this as she thinks about it. "Maybe Peter. Maybe I do." She pauses and lowers her voice to a whisper. "But what you have put these boys under is wrong." She moves her face closer to mine, staring into my eyes. "I'm giving them a home. A home where they can feel appreciated." I glance down at her lips, soft and pink. My gaze returns to her eyes. "Lies Peter, lies." She says moving away from my face. What lies am possibly telling? I really am giving them a home. They've made friends here, they like it here. I stand up and walk back to my tent calling to Wendy. "Nighty Night Wendy."
"Before you go, you kept saying stuff about Tink and trust... What happened?" I stop in my tracks and turn my head to the side. I clench my jaw, contemplating to tell her or not. "I helped her and so I put my trust in her... Then she promised to help me with something I needed. But then she broke that promise." I chuckle. "Actually she tore it apart, shredded it to pieces." I turn around to face her once more, her eyes grow wide with anticipation, and I see a wave of sadness brush over her. But she hides it.
"One thing you will learn about me Wendy, is that I never break my promises." I turn towards my tent and leave her ducking under the flap.

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