Chapter 27 part two

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My head slams back onto a hard wood. I groan in pain as I open my eyes. Sun shines in and I hear footsteps walk around me, but I can see no one yet. I try to sit up, but my hands are tied behind my back. I look around, my head making it hard for me to concentrate because I am dizzy as hell. I just realise my clothes and my whole body is drenched, why the hell am I drenched in water?

Whatever I am on, it sways side to side. I'm on a boat. But not just any boat Hooks boat. Bloody hook! Where the hell os that man?! I roll on to my stomach and get up using my knees. I stumble back from the sudden movement and the boat swaying. I slam back into a thick pole. "Hook! Where are you?" I yell. As I walk in different directions.

Someone taps on my shoulder, I spin around on my heel. "Hook!" I yell, he has a smug smirk on his face. This laddie has no idea what he's in for. "You idiot, you made a deal with the mermaids! How could you!" I yell, I would get my dagger but my hands are tied together. "Yes yes I know, just calm down." He says as he holds his hands out. I run at him, attempting to smash him into the wall behind him. But unfortunately I end up snaking into the wall. Idiot.

He stifles his laughter as I roll around on the ground and try to get up. Once I'm in an upright position, I try to death stare hook who stands in front of me with his arms crossed. "Speak laddie!"
"Look, we will get Wendy back-" I cut him off.
"What if it's too late."
"Trust me it's not."
"No, I can't trust you. You went and made a deal, that the mermaids could have me for the pixi dust. You coward!"
"Just listen mate, I will give you the full story. But first we need to get Wendy back." He turns to he steering wheel of the ship. I growl in anger.
"You know that if Wendy is eaten by those... things, I die too?" I say as I walk around his ship, still with my hands tied. "I know."
"Why am I drenched in water!?" I yell as I halt to a stop.
"Because, you were floating in the water near the jetty. I don't know what happened but you looked like you were sleeping." Oh. I fell in the water. Ha okay I could have died! Or drowned!
"Why did you make the deal? And untie me!" I say as I march over to hook who stands here looking out at sea. I turn around and he swipes his hook over the rope. I falls to the ground and I wiggle my wrists. You're free finally!

"I made the deal because I thought you weren't stupid enough to go play with the mermaids, and you needed the pixi dust back."
"I don't go play with the mermaids, I went to your jetty to find you. Which reminds me-" he cuts me off.
"Shut up." I roll my eyes. Stupid old man. I walk to the edge of the ship and lean over. Crashing blue waves hit the boat, sending a light spray at me. A cool breeze falls through me, I take a deep breath. Salty air.

Suddenly and uncontrollably I feel water fill my mouth and travel through to my lungs. What the heck is happening!? I stagger back and clutch my chest. I turn to look at hook who is staring right at me with a smug smirk. "Hook." I croak. Water fills my lungs. I try to breath but it is very tight. I am on a boat, not in the sea. Why does it feel like I'm drowning?! "Sorry bud, I'm keeping my deal." Hook says and before I know it he charges at me and shoves me off the boat and into the water.

I can feel my eyes grow wide, I clutch my chest and try to cough. My back hits the water, and I break through the waves. What the hell!? I sink just below the waters surface, it just clear enough for me to see hook leaning over the boat waving at me with a smirk. That son of a- my thoughts are interrupted by a pair of two hands grabbing my shoulders. I bet it's the mermaids! But I could be wrong.


I wonder what's going to happen and I'm the author!
What do you think? Who so you think grabbed his shoulders? Why did his lungs fill up with water? And most of all what's happening with Wendy?

Hope y'all liked these chapters!


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