Chapter 26

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Something's wrong and I bet it's to do with Wendy! I growl in my head. "Time might be speeding up" I correct and fold my arms. "Weathers going faster." I say and sit down on the log by the fire. I have no idea what the hell id happening and it is stressing me out!
"Why?" Collin asks.
"I don't know" I reply bitterly. Why would I know? I'm trying to figure it out! Everything is going wrong. "Well what are we going to do, like today.... or night whatever it is!?" Abe asks. I let out a loud sigh and slump forward on my elbows.
"All of you hunt, Wendy come with me." I say as I stand up and glare at Wendy who looks unpleased with my directions. I grab her elbow and tug her onto the path that leads into the forest.
"Where are we going?" She grunts and I let go of her and walk through the forest with her right on my tail. "Hook." I say blankly.
"Because, I need to know something and I'm pretty sure your involved."
"Well, can't you just bring Theo or something, I haven't been hunting?" A swirl grows in my face. "No. And I'm sure you won't find killing animals fun laddie." I say as if it's the obvious- which it is. "Your probably right." She mutters, probably didn't want me to hear it. Sorry but I did. A smirk appears on my face.

We near the edge of the forest and hear and smell salty sea waves. The sky constantly changing above us really annoys me. One moment it's sunny the next it's dark. And the clouds aren't coloured! They're black and grey. We walk out of he tree line and onto the jetty which leads to Hooks boat. Fog makes it hard to see if there is anything in front of me so I walk cautiously on the wooden jetty. We near the end and I squint, but I can't see anything. Maybe it's the fog? Probably is. We reach the end of the jetty and there is no boat to meet us at the end. "And where is hook?" Wendy asks.
"I don't know. Hook!?" I yell into the fog. Nothing as I expected. Where is he?!

I squint into the fog, but there is no hope. I turn away but something takes ahold of my foot. I stumble back but it catches my leg and I fall on my butt. Wendy suppresses her laugh, but she too is pulled onto the jetty and she lands with a thud. I look down a hand is grasping my leg. I follow the hand it it's Arm and all the way up to its shoulder. Bloody mermaid! I try and pull out of the grasp but it holds me tight. "What do you want?" I say frustrated. Every mermaid knows me. The face appears out of the fog. Athena. "Athena." I spit. She smiled in their seductive way, I scowl at her.
"Me? Oh I want you and your little friend here." She says as she tugs at my leg but I try and hold back. Her other hand grasps onto the struggling Wendy. "Why!?" I yell.
"Because it the deal" she says this as if I am supposed to know what is going on.
"Peter do something!" Wendy shrieks as the mermaid tugs at Wendy as she grips the jetty beam with all her might. "What deal!?" Athena tugs at my leg with more aggression and my grip on the jetty floor slips and I slip. My hand catches on the other beam and I hug it with Athena pulling. "The deal that hook made." Her voice is like a snakes. Sneaky. What the hell did that idiot of a Hook do?! "What is the deal?" I growl while I clench my teeth together and hold on with all my might. I glance at Wendy and she too is hugging the pole and is struggling to stay on the jetty. "I get you, iffff I give the pixi dust." She says as I feel five pinches enter my leg. "Ow!" Wendy cries in pain. (Not literally) I guess she to got the pinches. I glance behind me and see the claws that the mermaids have. They only come out when they are not getting something they want. Or if they are angry. Very angry. "And I gave the pixi dust." She says continuing on from the explanation of the deal. The sky continues to change. It has sped up and now changes every two or so minutes. "Well I'm sorry missy but your not getting me." I say fiercely, should I add Wendy? Nah. Oh wait, oh no.

Mermaids listen to everyone's words as long as they get something. And they do it straight away. Before I can say Wendy's name, she screams and her grasp on the pole slips. The mermaid then removes her grip form my ankle and adds it to Wendy's other ankle and pulls her into the water. Wendy's scream turns into gurgling, she is instantly pulled under the deep blue water, her hand outstretched is pulled under. My heart starts to beat fast. I stand up and panic. "Oh no, oh no, oh no." I mutter as I pull at my hair. What the hell are they going to do?

One side of me says, go save her, you need her. I do.

But the other side says, don't go you have saved too many people. I have.

But she can't die! I need her to survive because of my stupid stupid choices.

My head starts to spin. My vision starts to close in. I scream, but it sounds far away. I collapse, but I have no idea what happened. Did I fall into the water?
Did I fall back?
Who knows, all I know is that I'm unconscious and have no idea what so ever is going to happen.



Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry it was a bit short,
I wonder what's going to happen?


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