Chapter 17

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"I am the one who is tapping into her mind and slowly killing her from the inside out." An evil grin spreads across her face. "So you're the one who-" she cuts me off.
"Yep." I clench my jaw, this rat is trying to kill Wendy which means I die too.
"You know if you kill Wendy, I die too right?"
"Yeah I do." I shove my dagger up to her throat again, she doesn't fear it she just grins.
"You wouldn't do it." She taunts, this is oddly familiar. That's right she did the exact same to Wendy. "You bet I would, but I need answers, and then I will kill you."
"I also know who has the pixi dust."
"Who?" I ask sternly, I clench my jaw.
"Hook." She whispers. That bastard!
"How do you know this?" I spit.
"I gave it to him Pan." I so badly want to shove this knife into her skin. "I've been watching you idiots run around looking for it, when in reality you had the answer locked in a cage." Anger rises up through me.
"Who the bloody hell sent you!?" I yell in her face, I expect her to flinch but instead she stays completely calm. She scoffs, "funny you say that actually." She pauses looking deep into my eyes. "I am from hell." She says as she pushes the dagger away. Her eyes flash a deep red before returning to their near black colour. What the? "Who are you answer me!?" She lets out a chuckle and stands up.
"I'm Persephone, but call me Cora." Who the hell is this? As if reading my mind she answers me. "Princess of the underworld, daughter of Zeus and married to Hades."  She is one powerful god.
"Then why are you here?"
"Well I got sucked into a whirl pool ended up here, then I met Hook learned all about you and the problems of Neverland. I put on a disguise. And then I stole your precious pixi dust, gave it to hook. I decided I wanted to stir up some trouble here so with my beautiful acting skills I did everything that I did. And now we're here." I take in what she said, so this rat wants to walk in and destroy everything, no. "Oh but I'll be gone by tomorrow, I harnessed enough power to leave back to my cosy little home." She says interrupting my thoughts, she glances at the wood of the fire pit and then suddenly a fire sparks and warmth spreads around us. "I love fire, reminds me of home." She circles around the fire, her eyes lingering on me. "So you did everything for fun?" I ask bitterly. "Sure did." She says letting out a big toothy grin. "I find it quite funny how you think your all dark and evil, when in reality your just a boy who doesn't want to feel." She says as if it's a fact. "Excuse me?" I say standing up and pocketing my dagger.
"You heard me." She says standing opposite me in the other side of the fire. I clench my jaw and ball my fists. "I'm afraid you're a liar Cora." I say trying to level up on her bitterness. She lets out a murderous laugh, "No I am not, You're the liar." How am I the liar?! "You think I'm the liar!?" Her face turns serious and blank.
"Oh I don't think, I know." Then her expression regains its smirk.
"Whatever, is there actually a book about me?" I say changing the subject.
"Yes and all that stuff about another world and the year 1904, I stole the identity from a girl in that era, I also gained all her knowledge whilst I kept mine and my magic and not to mention power." Wow there is a book about me, never thought that would happen. "Oh and everyone in that world thinks your simply a fairy tale." She adds.
"Boy are they wrong." I say relaxing my tone. She flick her fingers gracefully making the fire flick in all types of mesmerising swirls and shapes.

She snaps me out of my gaze, "Pan I know everything." She states causally. Wow we have something in common I think to myself sarcastically. "And why are you telling me this?" I ask, she stops playing with the fire and slowly moves her eyes to meet mine.
"Because on the inside I am dying of laughter at how oblivious you are to the complete obvious." I frown in confusion, is this an insult?
"And what is the obvious that you are so called 'dying of laughter' about?" I ask curiosity getting the better of me.
"The obvious is that you have feelings for Miss Wendy Darling."


Hi guys!
So I know this chapter was a lot shorter than the others, but a lot of explaining was done and I hope you liked it :)
So I didn't even see this coming- she's from the underworld! I was really excited to finish this chapter because she is Persephone in disguise. The thought came to my head and I just decided to roll with it.
Is anyone else really interest in Greek gods and everything?

Disclaimer, She is not Cora from ouat, that is the nickname she has in Greek mythology.

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