Goodbye, hello

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I inch closer to the bed, closer to Wendy. I stand right by her and grab her hand.
"Wendy wake up!" I whisper yell. She has to be alive... because I'm alive. But I am no longer in Neverland. I squeeze her hand in hopes she squeezes back. Nothing. Just her lifeless hand in mine. I sit down on the bed and brush a strand of her hair away from her face. I can't be left in this place with no one!
This time I need Wendy for Wendy. I need her for company. I need her as a... friend.
"Come on Wendy... please." I beg under my breath. "I need you for you, you have to wake up."
I lean down by her face and plant a small kiss on her cheek. I don't know why, but I had the urge to do it. Suddenly she takes me by surprise, all her colour rushes back into her. I sit up and look down at her. She gasps and her eyes flicker open. Her eyes dart around the room and finally land on me. "Peter!" Then she does the unthinkable she wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a hug. Her head fits perfectly in the crook of my neck.
"Wendy!?" A female voice projects, a lady runs into the door and Wendy quickly pulls away. "Mother... I thought I'd never see you again!" Wendy replies confusion evident in her voice. The mother gushes and wraps her arms around Wendy and shakes her from side to side. "You're awake! But who are you?" The mother pulls away and grasps Wendy's hand as if to never let go. She looks at me with confusion. "Umm... I'm Peter." I say as I stand up and look down. "Hello Peter, I don't know how I could possibly on earth thank you... I mean you woke my daughter." I look up at her, so you're Wendy's mother.. I compare their faces and can definitely see a resemblance.
"I should go." I says as I turn away, but the mother grasps my arm and turns me around.
"Where sweetie, you have no parents... I mean I am truly sorry but-" I cut her off.
"What?" What does she mean. "Can you please explain everything too me?"
"Yes, yes sweetie I will, but what are you doing in here?" She asks. I swallow and glance down. What do I say? "Um, she just looked familiar." I say, I glance behind the lady and see Wendy staring right back at me nodding. "Oh okay, may I speak to you?" Isn't that what your doing right now? I almost scoff but suppress it.

We sit down outside of Wendy's ward onto two metal chairs. "Well Hun, you don't have any family... because you were in a car crash when you were young and your family died and you were sent into a coma for a very long time." She pauses and looks at me as if to keep going. I nod, I've been at Neverland pretty much all my life, I don't know what this women is on about. "How do you know this?" I ask flatly.
"Well you see, Wendy has been in a coma for the same time as you, you were here before her and I walk around a lot when Wendy is sleeping and so I ask about you and eventually learnt your story." She admits.
"Ok, but where am I?"
"Oh your in a hospital dear." What is a hospital!?
"Yes uh don't you know what that is? It's okay if you don't but I would think you would know what it is. Don't worry it's for people who need help, they could be sick, injured or possibly in need of surgery." She says reassuringly, I have no idea what half those words are but okay.
We get up and she walks me over to a desk where a small lady sits. "Peters awake." Wendy's mother says. The lady flicks her head up with a small grin. "Great, you ripped your cords out." She stands up and grasps my arm and inspects it.
"Who are you?" I ask to Wendy's mother.
"Oh I'm sorry I'm Mary, Mary Darling." She says with a bug smile.
"Nice to meet you Mary." I say as the small women pulls me towards my ward viciously. "Nice to meet you too Peter!" She calls after with a wave. I see her turn back and enters Wendy's room again.


Mother burst through the doors again. "Oh darling I am so happy you're awake, that boy Peter woke you." I smile at her and hug her again. She squeezes me and I squeeze back. "Mother can you tell me why I'm here?" I say pulling away.
"Yes, but will you be okay?" She says with a concerned look, I grab her hand and nod.
"Well, you fell from your window one night and luckily the tree caught you, but you hit your head and it knocked you out for a very long time." I let go and sink back into my bed. "I fell?" I remember flying. With Peter.
"Yes, I found you in the tree when I went to check on you." She says sadly.
"Oh I'm sorry mother that must have been so traumatic." I say and pull her into another tight hug. "Yes yes it was, but don't worry about me, you're awake now!" She says with a toothy grin. "Yes I am, may I see Peter?" I ask.
"Not now dear, I do find it rather funny that you awoke at the same time, I don't know how I could repay that boy. He has no family, once he's checked out of here, he's back on the streets." Mother says as she glances down. He has no family? An idea struck my mind like the lightening I was pulled into when I left Neverland. I sort of miss that place.
"Mother this is a big ask, but could we adopt Peter, he has no family and that way you can repay him?" I ask. She considers it. It's a big ask, but I think it will good. As much as I hate Peter I could never forgive myself if he was thrown into my world and he knows nothing. He needs a home, a friend and I could offer him that. Possibly.
"Well, I will have to check with your father but I guess we could take him in until he is stable, I mean we have the money and he can't be thrown in the streets. Adopting takes a long time, so I guess we could possibly help him until he is stable." I large grin creeps over my face.
"Thank you mother." I hug her again.
"Wendy, just so you know you have to repeat senior year... with Peter, since he will most likely be living with us and he needs an education." I pull away. That's not so bad.
"Okay." School with Peter Pan, hmm it shall be strange. He could turn out to be a big jerk, or a huge sweetheart. But I doubt he will be nice. I'm giving him a second chance. Correction his last chance. His last chance to be kind especially because my family is adopting him.


The next day I awake still in hospital and I walk out of my room, my mother slouched in a chair in the corner of my room asleep. I tip toe to Peters room, I open the door and see him sitting on his bed staring off into a corner. "Morning Peter." I say quietly as I pull a chair from the corner to his bed and sit down in it. He glances at me and shifts so he is facing me. "So I suspect my mother told you?" I ask.
"Yes, she did." He replies flatly. "Wendy why am I in your world?" He asks.
"I-I don't know, the storm portal must have taken us to my world." He nods and plays with the hem of his shirt. "I need to get back to Neverland, but what I don't understand is that when you fell off the boat something struck us both and I could see it and it felt like a hand grabbed me and pulled me into the ocean with you." He says.
"Well, maybe we are connected, because the orb." I suggest,
"Yes that does make sense, when the mermaids took you did you suck in water at all?"
"Yes I did and then you fell into the water. Why?"
"Because I was choking in water, which means that what happens to you happens to me and vice versa." He exclaims obviously focused. That does make sense, maybe we are connected. But me connected to Pan, not my biggest dream. "That does make sense, so when I was going through the portal must mean that you were coming with me because we are connected." I explain, he nods.
"Yes, I guess I'm stuck with you love." He says bringing his gaze back to me a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah..."

Goodbye Neverland.
Hello real world.


Hey guys,
The picture I attached it what inspired this ending (the whole hospital thing) with the help of Lauzarito we came up with how they get sucked into a portal and all, thanks Lauzarito
One more chapter left!

This book came quicker than I thought!

When this book does end it will be like.....

The end, but it's not there's still some stuff left.
Okay bye🌷✌🏼

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