Chapter 12

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My heart races. The sounds of the struggle Wendy puts up echoes through the woods, mist surrounds me and the boys. Wendy and the girl come into view, the girl stumbles back off Wendy, she drops the knife shaking and drops to the ground. I rush over to Wendy, my heart races, blood is drenching the arm and collar of her white dress, her eyelids flutter, then shut. Her body limp on the forest floor. The girl is dragged out of the forest by Collin and Theo, she doesn't resist. Something changed in her. Blood flows down Wendy's arm, that's when I realise a huge stab wound on her arm. That's going to leave a good scar. I tear the arm off her dress and use the fabric to compress her wound. The cut on her collar bone isn't very bad so I leave it for now. "You need any help?" Abe asks running over to me. "Yeah can you tell Griffin that he needs to get the medical kit ready for use!" I yell, Abe nods and runs off disappearing into the Mist. I carefully lift her up, my arm under her knees, and my other around he waist. Her head hangs back limp, short and sharp breaths escaping her mouth. I carry her through the forest, how could I let this happen? It was so obvious that putting her in there with that girl was a bad idea,  And yet it didn't pass through my mind. I exit the tree line, the boys rush over to me. Their concerned voices sound muffled in my ears, Griffin takes ahold of Wendy and sets her down on the bed in my tent. Her blood stains my clothes and skin. I glance over to the cage, a hole through the cage door, the bamboo broken into jagged shards poking out.

I slump down next to the fire pit, everything goes fast, everything seems like a blur. Until Theo snaps me out of my gaze, "Pan, the girl, her name is Anna-Beth... she knows things." I look up at Theo and tilt my head.
"What do you mean she knows things, she tried to kill Wendy."
"She did but if you just listen to her, everything will make sense."
"Yeah, well maybe I don't feel like listening." Anger pulses through me, I wish I never said that though. I want to hear what she has to say. I need to know what happened. Theo walks away, knowing that I missed something. I lean my head back onto a log and stare up at the sky, multiple colours of oranges and hints of purples scatter the sky; stars are scattered through transparent clouds, shinning. I close my eyes, then I feel someone sit down next to me. Can't people realise I'm very stressed right now. I open my eyes a slither and peer next to me- Milo. "What do you want Milo?" I say, sitting up better and turning to face him; his grinning face. Why would he be grinning, he practically loves Wendy, and she's hurt I would expect him to be sad and dopey.
"Well, Wendy is going to be okay but" oh no when people say 'but' it's never good.
"We need to know if she can stay lying in your bed, because if we move her then her arm will not heal as fast, so can we keep her there?" He says hopefully. I consider it,
"Fine." Milo claps his hands together and gets up while is grin grows, he returns to the tent. Why can he be so happy when I was stupid enough to let that happen? I guess it's me.

The night grows old, Wendy still unconscious, I enter Theo's tent, he has a spare bed and so I have to sleep her for the night. The moons light shines onto our camp, there is no fire tonight; no one went to collect new fire wood since what happened.
I sit on the end of the spare bed, and then collapse back spreading my arms; a pillow behind my head. My eyes drift off with tiredness to the place called 'sleep'.

I sit up from my slumber gasping. Sweat drenches my back, I swing my legs over the bed and walk out of the tent. Moon light still shines down on the camp, stars scattered in the navy sky. I walk over to my tent and open the flap, Wendy lies on my bed, her hair scattered over my white pillow, and head tilted softly to the side. I walk to my dresser, and open the drawers and pull out a black shirt. I take the one I am wearing off, letting cold breeze hit my bear skin, I slip the other one over my head, and turn to where she lies. Her arm is bandaged up and is cradled by pillows, a bandage is stuck to her collarbone, soaking up the blood. I slip on my boots and exit the tent. I walk over to a dark corner that is hidden in the tree line and behind the tents. The boys fixed the cage that broke and Anna-Beth sits in their, I squat down next to the cage and peer in, she hugs her knees and hides her face. "Anna-Beth, is it?" I say sternly. She peeks up out of her knees, revealing her eyes, her scared and confused eyes. "Y-yes." She stutters.
"Why are you here?"
"I don't know." She lies, I know it.
"You do know, you just don't want to tell me!" I say raising my voice slightly higher. She reveals her whole face, and slides her knees down. "Look can you please tell me who you are?!" I snicker, she wants to know who I am?!
"Excuse me, but you showed up here and tried to kill Wendy, you tell me everything first." I demand her.
"Look, I will tell you everything I promise but are you Peter Pan and are those boys the 'Lost Boys' and is Wendy, Wendy Darling?" I clench my jaw, she needs to shut up.
"Yes I am Peter Pan, yes those are the Lost Boys and yes that is Wendy Darling." Her jaw drops and she shakes her head with a slight grin on her face. Why the hell is she grinning? "What?" I ask frustration rising in me.
"You-you're a book." I snicker, she's defiantly crazy.
"Do I look like a fricken book to you?"
"No-no you're in a book, like a character, it was published about a day ago."
"What do you mean, I am not in a book, no one but the people who are on this island know me, you're lying." I sit on the ground and rest my arms on my knees, I am tempted to pull out my dagger but then she could simply ignore me, but if I have to use the dagger I will. "No I'm not, it's by a man James Barrie." I shake my head, I have never ever heard of a man named James Barrie. "Whatever that's besides the point, how did you get here?" I pressure.
"Okay well, I remember going to my bed, then someone tapped at the window, a shadow, i opened the window thinking it would be Peter Pan from the book, then it sprinkled a type of glitter over me, then I fell to the floor and blacked out." She pauses.
"And then he told me to kill Wendy, then he shoved me in a box, I fell asleep. I woke up here and then everything was a blur, it was like I was possessed or being controlled and then when I was about to rip out her heart, something snapped, I realised what I was doing got off her and then here I am." That's not enough, there has to be something more. "Is that everything you remember?"
"Yes, but things are coming back so I will tell you if anything new does." I nod and head back to Theo's tent to finish my sleep.

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