Chapter 22

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"Milo!" I yell scanning the surroundings, he sits on one of the logs by the fire pit. Opposite Wendy. Wendy is not supposed to be out! I slowly walk towards them, Milo has fear apparent in his eyes. "Yes." He replies, standing up from the log and glances at Wendy. "What,  is she doing out?" I say calmly as I point my hand at Wendy.
"Well, I really don't see the problem, I means she's in there 24.7, can't she have a break?" He asks innocently. My tense body relaxes and I sigh.
"Why are you out?" I ask turning to face Wendy, she stands up with no confidence and looks down at her feet. "Milo let me out." She states returning her gaze to my face.
"Because... well he kind of just explained it to you." She replies. I clench my jaw and fold my arms. "Well, why did you obey them?" I ask bitterly.
"Because, I can follow who Evers rules I want." She says mimicking my stance. I chuckle
"No, no you can't." I state leaning closer to her face. She raises her eyebrows.
"Yep." I pause. "The only rules you follow are mine." She scowls and leans into my ear and whispers a simple, "nope." And with that she sits down on the log and plasters on a smile. I tilt my head, okay if she wants to but on a rebellious act then so be it.

"Well then, now that you have accustomed this new personality trait, I guess it's time to celebrate the new Wendy!" I yell and pump my fist in the air. Cheers erupt from the boys who all start jumping around and being the same old hyper selves. She sits there slightly confused, good. I'm going to annoy her to breaking point. She can't disobey me for long. The boys light the fire and all chatter loudly, with the occasional hoot. I walk to my tent and grab my pipe. Flash. I appear right next to Wendy sitting down in the log.
"What is that?" She asks, even though she's seen it before.
"It's my pipe, I play it on special occasions" she frowns slightly confused.
"Why is this a special occasion?"
"Because the new Wendy has finally come forward, the true Wendy. Well this is your true self right? I mean we don't want fake personalities." I say annoyingly.
"Whatever Pan." She says. She sighs and turns her head to face the fire. The warmth spreads around the space heating me up. "Ready boys!" I yell.

I bring the pipe up to my mouth and blow into it. Creating my special tune. The one for the lost. The one only the lost can hear. I play the enchanting sound while I close my eyes unaware of the surroundings. I play and play. Then I open my eyes to be met by confused eyes, from all of the Lost boys. They are not dancing as I expected but the stand there confused. "Come on Pan, stop joking around." And says. I frown.
"W-what of you mean?" I ask.
"You weren't playing it, you were pretending." No, this can't be happening. They are supposed to hear it! That's why they are the lost boys! They are lost! What the hell.
I nervously laugh, "right." I say and start to play again, but not the tuen for the lost, an old tune. A regular tune that has no magic. They all have rowing grins and start dancing around the fire. I'll have to have a word to Wendy. She's done something. I know it.


The boys all start to get tired, and all head to their tents. I sit on a different log now opposite Wendy. She sits there confused and tired as to why I haven't put her in the cage- yet. "Wendy." I start and gaze through the fire.
"What have you done?" I ask, moving my eyes to meet hers. She tilts her head.
"You heard me." I say a little louder.
"Whatever do you mean?"
"I mean the boys. They were not dancing." I say lowering my voice to a loud whisper.
"Yeah, because you were faking it." She replies as if it's a simple answer.
"That tune, can only be heard by the lost, you heard it the first time I played this in front of you." She frowns in shock. In utter shock.
"I am not lost, what do you mean?"
"I mean, the lost, the lost boys are called that for a reason Wendy," I pause and stand up. "They feel unloved, which clearly means when you came here you felt unloved by your parents. But now they can't even hear it. They've always been able to hear it Wendy." I walk around the fire and stand in front of her, she stands up to feel more powerful. "I have never felt unloved Pan." She says bitterly.
"Oh really." I say and put my hand in y pocket and trap out my dagger, but keeping it from the sight of Wendy.
"Now that you have the meaning, what have you done? What have you told them?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"Why must you be so stubborn." And with that I push the blade up to her neck taking her by surprise. "Spill it Darling." I threaten. She scowls and glades at the dagger.
"Well, just so you know, I know more than you think idiot." I raise my eyebrows and chuckle. "Was that a threat?" I pause, "from miss Wendy Darling?" I mouth the word 'wow' and act dramatically shocked.

"That wasn't a threat, it's a fact." She steps away from the dagger and glares at me.
"Well, if it was a fact then spill." I order calmly and shove my dagger back into my pocket. "Why?" She chuckles. Is this a joke to her?
"Because" I say mimicking her laugh. "Do it" I narrow my eyes at her.
"Truth is Pan, you need to get better at picking up lies." She says with a grin on her face.
"Because I just lied, I don't know anything, I don't know why they weren't dancing."
"But thanks for more information so I can expose you even further." She says.
"Well, if you want to play games Wendy, then we will play games." I know I said that a while ago, but this time I mean it. I am going to mess her up with my games. Time to rip her mind apart. I smirk comes over my face. 
"It's on Wendy."

Hope you liked this chapter, if you haven't all ready go check out Lauzarito , she's got some pretty cool books.

If anyone wants me to check their books out and give advice, id be happy to do that.

Bye now🌷✌🏼

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