Chapter 20

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"You fool!" I yell at hook. "Why would you give it to the mermaids!?"
"Stop complaining, I would go get it now if I were you!" He yells back, I stand up and start pacing. That stupid idiot! The mermaids, and I have to get it! "Argh, what are they doing with the pixi dust?" I say with my jaw clenched. He wriggles his hands from the rope, which he must have cut with his hook. "They're keeping it safe" he says as he stands up. "Safe!? They are mermaids, nothing they do is safe laddie!" I scream as I push hook into a tree pinning him against it. "No but they are, I trust them." He says as he squirms to try and get out from my grip. "Well, if you trust them, then you go get it." I say as I lean closely to his face adding pressure against him. Then I disappear from the tree and back to the boys with a flash. My old trick. "Back to your old little games now are we?" He says as he stumbles forward from the sudden release of my grip.
"I'm going to throw you in there with the mermaids and you don't come back until you have the pixi dust." I say sternly pointing to the ocean where his boat floats.
"Whatever mate, I'm not doing it." He says as he readjusts his hook. I chuckle.
"Yes, yes you are."
"Look, I will get ya pixi dust, but-" I cut him off.
"No 'buts'. You get it and I return it and then all will be good." I say.
"Whatever pan." He says, finally.
"Now, go and get that pixi dust, the boys and I will return at night fall for it." I says as we start out in a run towards the trees and back into the forest, leaving hook.
"There's a catch!" Hook yells.
"No catches hook, get it." I order. There's one thing hook knows about me, never break my rules, that would be unwise. We run through the forest, our feet thumping long the ground along the path back to camp.


We run through camp and sit down on the logs. "When night falls we go back." I say to the boys. They all nod obeying my order. "Can I please come out?" I hear a whinny voice in the corner- Wendy. "Why would you want that?" I ask as I get up and walk over to the cage, "so I can be free, I won't run." She says as she grips the bars and peers out at me, I chuckle. "Wendy, Wendy, Wendy when will you learn?" I ask sarcastically, she gives me the 'really' face. I lean against a tree and cross my arms and tilt my head. "You will never leave." I pause. "Unless I have a change of heart, which I doubt since mine is filled with darkness, right? Because that's what you think." I say sternly, a dark grin finding my face. She scowls at me.
"Pan, you will never have a change of heart. Because I am right, you are evil." She says simply to me. "Do you hate me?" I ask stepping towards her cage.
"No, I don't hate." She says.
"Well then, are you scared of me, of what I could do to sabotage your life?"
"Oh, well you already have done that Pan." I laugh.
"You were the silly girl who choose to come with me, the stupid one who choose to touch the orb." I say, raising my eyebrows.
"I am no where near silly Pan." She pauses, a dark grin overcoming her face. Never nought I'd think Wendy was dark. "One day, all of this bad will come flying back at you. Really really fast." I chuckle, time to use my trick. Flash. I reappear right in front of her, in front of the cage, my face close to hers. She stumbles back a little bit, but then catches her self. "How did you do that?" She asks, trying to think of any possibility.
"Never question another's abilities." I say wisely.
"Whatever pan, I'm not scared of you." She says, but she lies. I know it. Stupid and silly. Why would anyone ever think that I would like this girl? I lean close into her face and whisper into her ear. "Oh but you should be." And with that I disappear away from her and back to my tent.


The sky turns darker and we set out into the forest. Our footsteps snap twigs and crunch dead leaves as we walk back to Hooks boat. We reach the tree line again and hear the soft rolling waves of the ocean. We walk onto his jetty, "Hook!" I yell as I stand in front of the others waiting for him to appear. Silence. "Come out, times up!" I yell again taping my foot against the wooden deck. Silence. Again. I clench my jaw and walk forward onto his boat, I then look through a door way, nothing.
I check around his entire boat but he is nowhere to be seen.
I peek over the edge of the boat and scan the water, it is clear and empty as always. I turn around and start walking back to the boys but then suddenly I hear movement in the water. Flash. I bend over the edge of the boat again and look around in the water, then I spot something. Something very out of the normal.

A body. A body being dragged down. A hand is wrapped around its mouth, then something shines from the reflection of the moon, my head jerks to the side of the body where the hands are. Or should I say hook and hand. "Hook!?" I yell in utter confusion. The muffled cries of him echo through the water. Should I jump in. No, but I need him back. No I'm done saving people. But it's hook man. I debate with my head. Frustration and stress bubbles up in me, I watch as his body is tugged away, but still in reach.

"Get the boat going!" I yell at the boys as I walk away from the edge of the boat and towards a pile of loose rope. The boys run around the boat steering it and hoisting the sails. I grab the rope and run to the edge of the boat. I wrap the rope around my waist tightly, "Theo, Griffin, hold this." I say as they run over and I throw them the long end of the rope. "And don't let go." I warn as I take a deep breath and jump off the boat and splash into the water.

The water surrounds me, with bubbles rising to the surface, I gain my senses again. I swim down and over to hook. Pushing the water past me as I get deeper and deeper and farther away from the boat. Hooks flailing body comes into view, he sees me and reaches out his hand for me. I grab it and pull him up to the surface, with the continuous tugs of the mermaids pulling me down. "Pull me up!" I yell and being cut off by water filling my mouth as the mermaids pull us down, tugging at our feet. The rope around me strains and I can tell the boys are going to struggle. They pull and pull, with us slowly rising back to the waters surface, that is now being lit by the moon.

We reach the surface and gasp and take a hold of the rope, he pull us up, hands grabbing us and rolling us over onto the ships deck, we land with thuds against the deck. I clutch my chest as I catch my breath, Hook rolling around on the deck gasping. We both regain our ability to breath and rest our backs against the ships barrier, I lean my head back and look up at the night sky. "Last time Hook." I say, not bothering to look at him. I've saved him one too many times.
"Thank you." He says, I know he means it but I just nod. The moon lights the sky and shines down on my drenched face illuminating it. I take a deep breath before saying,
"So did you get it?" He states and tilts is head to face me.
"Well, I did." He pauses. "But I hid it, and then the mermaids dragged me down."
"You hid it?"
"Yes, but I'll show you where it is." Why did he have to hid it? He could have just put it on his ship. "When I said there was a catch, I meant it. But that's over now." What catch?


So this ending of the chapter was a slight bit boring, sorry but I will hopefully have an interesting one tomorrow.

'Flash' in this book means that he does his little trick and reappears somewhere else.

Take note of this: "One day, all of this bad will come flying back at you. Really really fast."

But I hoped you liked it. 🌷✌🏼

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