Chapter 15

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I rip the tiny bottle of pixi dust from the rope it hung from around my neck. I sprinkle it over my head as I fall in mid air over the cliff face, the pixi dust shines and then I gain control. I can fly. I swoop down to Wendy who is still falling. My head beat quickens, I reach for her and grasp onto her wrist, she stops falling, we float mid-air. Shock is relevant on her face, I then gently float to the top of the rocky cliff. We reach the top and my feet find the ground again, her feet touch the ground again. I'm hesitant to let go of the grasp I have on her wrist because I don't want her to go over again. I let go, she doesn't move. She stands their confused but yet expressionless. She slowly steps away from the edge gazing at the ground. "Why did I do that?" She asks looking up at me, fear apparent in her eyes. I shake my head, "I don't know, you said that you had enough."
"No-no that... that wasn't me, Pan please that wasn't me."
"What do you mean that wasn't you?" I ask stepping closer to her.
"Someone, I don't know who... but they were controlling me, what I was doing, what I said. They controlled it all." Tears start to build up in her eyes. I step closer to her.
"Pan, I know I shouldn't say this but... I am scared. I mean what could I do if they control me again?" She says her voice trembling, her eyes drop to the ground.
"No, we will stop whoever it is." A tear rolls down her cheek, but I wipe it away with my thumb gently, it is only now that I realise who silky and soft her skin is.

I gaze at the ground, "No, we will stop whoever it is." Peter says softly. Will we though? Can we really stop whoever it is that taps into my mind and controls it? A tear finds my cheek, it rolls down slowly. Then I feel Peters thumb wipe it away delicately. It takes me by surprise, but I don't move. Could Peter really be kind? Maybe he really is but he hides it. But why would he hide it? "Come on lets go back to camp." He says holding out his hand, I grab it, my feet leave the soil again as we lift off above the trees. The sky is painted a deep blue, with its pastel coloured clouds floating through the scattered stary night. Was I really out here that long? We drift above the tress, a soft cold breeze flowing through my hair, this brings me back to the time we went flying and he showed me the Mermaid Lagoon. I am pulls back to reality when my feet hit the ground again. He lets go off my hand. We are back in the camp, a fire has been started, its warmth radiating onto me.

I take a seat on a log, today's been... certainly eventful. Someone sits next to me- Emmet. "Hey it's good to see you back, how's your arm?" He says cheerfully. I smile back, "Well its healing which is good, what happened when I was out?" I ask.
"Well, we tried to look for the pixi dust. We couldn't find it but we still have to talk to Hook about it, we haven't seen him since we... rescued? You." I chuckle a little bit.
"Hook isn't really that bad." I state.
"If only you knew the Hook we know, come eat." He says standing up. I stand up and follow him into the tent. What Hook do they know? Hook seemed completely pleasant when I met him. I take a seat next to Emmet.


After the meal I wander outside the tent to find Peter sitting on the log by the fire.
"I heard you haven't found the pixi dust." I say, he looks up as I take a seat next to him. He nods. Wait if they haven't found all the pixi dust then how? "Did you use the last of your pixi dust on... saving me?"
"Yeah." He says quietly focusing on the flickering fire.
"You didn't have too-" he cuts me off.
"Yes, yes I did, I couldn't just let you fall." He says. "But Wendy I am sorry, I haven't told you everything about when you touch the orb." I knew it.
"Then what is it, say everything." He clenches his jaw and looks up at me.
"When you touch the orb, yes you get enteral youth, but..." he pauses. "If you die, so does Neverland and everyone here." I look away, how could he? Anger rises up through me. "But-" he starts but I cut him off.
"No I don't want to hear it!"
"No you need to hear it" he says, I don't need to hear anything.
"No I don't, you need me alive just so you can stay alive... how selfish!" I yell getting up. He stands up and grabs my arm. I slap him away and start to walk away. "Wendy can you please just stop and listen!" He yells. I turn on My heel to face him. "I'm listening!" I cross my arms, he starts to walk towards me put I stop him when I hold out my good arm and say, "just speak." He stops walking and stands there.
"Look, I'm just like you- if I die so does Neverland and everyone here including you." He could be lying.
"Then why did you make me touch it?"
"Because... I thought if you touch it then the curse on me would break, but it didn't it just spread and so now there's two life lines to Neverland." Selfish, there is no kindness in him. "I'm sorry." He says.
"No your not." He retorts.
"Excuse me."
"You're not sorry, your heartless." I say raising my eyebrows. His scowl softens to a dark grin. "You're right I'm not sorry." He says walking towards me. "I'm a heartless, selfish coward." He pulls out his dagger, but before I can back away he presses it against my throat, the cold blade sending shivers through me. "I would kill you..." he trails off, pressing the dagger in more, but not enough to draw blood. "But I need you... sadly." He takes the dagger away and calmly walks away to his tent. I was right he is evil, a liar and a coward.


Hey guys!
So I changed the cover again, I wasn't too happy with the one before. But I hope you like it! If you have any suggestions to help improve this book I would be happy to hear them. And if you want help or advice for your books you would be more than welcome to ask. :)

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