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She is ripped form my grip and I am sucked deeper and closer to the hole. I am torn through the water, like a hand is grabbing me and pulling me through the hole.
My vision closes from my corners and it slowly blackens. I breathe in through expecting water. But no, I get air.
Clean air.
Unfamiliar air.
Scented air.
This is not Neverland! What? I force my droopy eyes open, but they stay closed. No I can't be trapped in this weird world again! It's torture at its purest form. Or so I thought.
I can move my eyeballs, but nothing else. I am stuck with my stupid and painful thoughts. Finally I gasp and my eyes open. I shoot forward. White walls. Bright white lights. Mint taste. Clean smell. My senses come rushing at me like a herd of angry fairies. I was lying down. On a bed. A bed with white sheets. Where the bloody hell am I!? I glance around and notice multiple tubes that have been inserted into my vains on my arms. I bring my arm up to my face and examine them. One is clear, one red and one a transparent blue. Do I rip them out? What are they? The tubes are connected to a large box with a screen on it and a rhythmic beep sound coming from it. On my wrist a white bracket thing is wrapped around it loosely. I spin it around in my finger, one word is written on it. Peter. 027. Next to it is numbers. Why goes it have my name?

I swing my legs over the bed and hesitate to stand up. White tiles are laid smoothly on the ground. I slowly lower my bare feet on to the cold floor. Bare feet? Where are my hunting boots!, I glance down at what I'm wearing. Some sort of light blue patterned gown shirt and short set. What the actual hell? My clothes are gone. I stand up quickly, almost robotic like. I turn around and get twisted in the cords. I sigh and untangle myself. Wait can I speak? Do I sound like me? Ok here we go...
"Hello..." I say quietly. Okay good, I sound like me. I examine the cords again and decide to just go for it. I yank at them and I wince and stop. Jeez that hurts. The cords didn't come out the just stayed attached to me. "Argh!" I want to walk!

I don't want to be attached to strange cord things that lead to a box on a metal stand with a beeping sound coming from it. I glance around the room again and take in more detail than before. On a wall behind the metal bed Is some words... St Rosemary Hospital. Hmmm hospital, sounds familiar but it sounds scary. I run my hands through my tangled mess of a hair... it's not wet. I was just sucked through a portal that was in the middle of the ocean! That doesn't make sense. I sigh again in frustration, I'm going to rip these cords from me for final... as much as it hurts.

I grasp the cords and yank. They release from under my skin. "Owwwww...." I say as I grasp my arm in pain. At least their out! I clench my jaw and take a deep breath. I walk over to two glass doors that have a silver metal frame, and the same three words printed on it in white. St Rosemary Hospital. What is a hospital? The answer is in my mind but I can't quite grasp it... I push the doors open and they open with ease. I step through the doors and let them swing shut behind me.

Outside my room is a oneway hallway. They have a cream white paint and white tiles. On either side of the walls are multiple glass doors. I don't know what is at the end of the hall but I start walking anyway. I stop at the first glass door and glance in, and old man rests in his bed sleeping, with the same cords that I had going in his arms. As I walk I realise that there is some words printed on the walls in a black.
Intensive Care Unit. Hm, I wonder what that means. The next door I come across I look in again. Right before I turn away something catches my eye. This one looks familiar. But I need a closer look. I need to go in. I glance down the hall. No one. Good, I push the door open and slip in through the doors and close them carefully behind me.

This ward looks the exact same as mine, apart from the patient. She has tubes with liquid flowing through them running in her arms and wrists. The same as me. She has blonde-brown hair that is scattered over her white pillow, she had white bed sheets that are pulled up covering her body. Her eyes lay closed and her expression soft and pale. Too pale. As I get closer I realise something.
I know this person.
This person knows me.
This person has been to Neverland.
This person is.... Wendy Darling.


Hey guys
Two more chapters left☹️
I hope you liked it!


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