Chapter 10

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I push froward, not yet knowing why every one stoped. I reach the front, my jaw drops open. Just like everyone else. Who could have done this? What does this mean? I move toward it carefully. In front of me is my trashed camp, but that's not what's important. A black box, big enough to fit a few people in it is place in the middle of my camp. The sleek and shiny design, looking very out of place. Theo comes up and stands next to me, "Do you have any idea what it is?" He asks. I circle around the box inspecting it.
"No, for once I really didn't see this coming?" I peer at the top of the box. There's a small latch to open it. I reach for it. Theo slaps my hand away. "Don't, it could be a bomb." He warns. I chuckle, a bomb this big? Yeah right. I reach for it again, hovering my hand above it, I work my fingers around it unlatching it. 'Click' the latch pops off. I take a deep breath, looking at Theo. I turn back to the box. I lift the lid open. I peek inside. I jerk my head back, oh my god, this is not possible. What the actual hell?

"What is it?" Theo asks, eager to know. I gesture for him to look, he is the oldest of the boys and so naturally he takes the head Lost Boy roll. He peers in, not lifting the lid fully. He closes it quickly as he turns to me. "How did this happen?" He whispers so that the others can't hear, I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. But we should probably get her out." Theo nods, I clench my jaw, we both turn to face the eager to know crowd.
"Well, as you can see there is a big box, in our camp. Inside this box is a girl." Many people gasp at my words. "Now I know your hella confused, so am I, I don't know how or why she's here, but I guess when she wakes up we can ask her. But for now put her in a cage. Don't want to take any chances." I turn back around and lift the lid fully, me and Theo grab her under the arms and lift her out. We drag her over to a cage and lock the door. I know what Wendy would be thinking. 'Don't treat her like that' oh honey I'm going to treat her how ever I want, for all I know she could be out to kill us all.

We sit by the burning embers of the fire, throwing in wood that Emmet and Wendy got earlier. The boys reconstruct the tents, and clean things up. The camp wasn't trashed as bad as it seemed, but whoever did this was looking for something. Nothing of mine was stolen in fact nothing was stolen which is pretty lucky because the pixi dust had been stolen. "She's awake!" Wendy yells, she rushes to the cage and grips the bars. I run over to the cage and look in. Her eyes slowly open, with that they widen panic flushes over her. She scrambles back and hits the cage with her back, she scans around. She starts to rock back and forth, muttering to her self, but I can't tell what. The boys gather round.
"Hey calm down, do you know where you are." Her head jerks upward, her eyes almost popping out of her head as she stares way too intensely at me. I turn too Wendy slightly confused, she turns to me as well, I guess it's instinct. "Give her some space." Wendy orders, pushing the boys back, they all walk away, and gather near the fire pit, occasionally stealing glances at us. Now it's just me, Wendy and well this girl. The girls black stringy hair droops slightly over her face. She continues to rock back and forth. This is kind of creepy. "Hey it's okay." Wendy says trying to comfort the new girl. But this fails. The girl once again as she did too me jerks her head up, her almost black eyes staring through Wendy. Wendy un-grips the bars and backs away slightly, only slightly.
"Do you recognise her?" I ask whispering to Wendy.
"No, do you?" I shake my head. I have no idea what to do. The girl tilts her head to the right, still staring intently at Wendy. The girl then snaps back to rocking back and forth her head buried into her knees, her arms wrapped around her. She has a white night gown on, similar to Wendy's. I start getting frustrated with this girl. Can't she just snap out of it already.

And just like that, she slides her knees down, and comfortably returns her head to an upright position. "Neverland." She mutters, her face relaxed.
"Wait what?" I say.
"Neverland I'm in Neverland. Because..." she trails off, finally this girl is able to speak. Her eyes light up like cannon balls. "Wendy. Wendy Darling." All of the sudden she pounces forward at Wendy but is stopped by the bars. Wendy jerks back, just out of the reach of her. "What?" Wendy asks as if she hadn't quite heard her right. The girls voice trembles with anger. Or some type of emotion. "Tick tick tick, times running out Wendy." The girl the collapses, slumping against the cage. Wendy turns to me, clearly alarmed. "Pan, if you know something and you're not telling me. I suggest you fess up." Her British accent rattles with slight fear. "Look. Wendy I don't know how the hell this girl got here. But there is something I need to tell you... but not here." She shakes her head disagreeing. "No you tell me now!" She threatens me. I raise my eyebrows tilting my head forward. No I'm not following your orders, Theo interrupts, standing in front of Wendy. "Hey, hey, calm down. What ever it is Peter can tell you later... We need to deal with this girl." I nod agreeing, sometimes I don't think Wendy sees the big picture, there is a phycopath in our cage on Neverland, and which she can only travel here if I take her. I think she can wait.

"Where am I going to sleep, cause I am not going in there with that." Wendy demands, we all sit around the fire, glancing at the girl. "Wendy can sleep in my tent, I have a spare hamic." Jayden suggests, his twin brother never leads his side.
"Yeah." Wendy agrees throwing her hands up.
"No, you go in that cage." I don't care, Wendy shouldn't get the luxury of a hamic. I wave my hand over to the cage, signalling to put her in. She crawls into the cage scowling at me, and presses against the cage wall, as far away as this girl. I know it's bad to put her in there but oh well. I list the flap to my tent and throw myself in my bed closing my heavy eyes. Darkness.

Hey, so the pic I attached is what I think is Theo. So yeah there is a strange person in Neverland now. Personally I didn't plan this, i just thought, trashed tent, yeah. Big box. Okay. Person inside. Sure. But I didn't plan for her to be like the girl from the ring, but I hope you like it. :)

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