Chapter 18

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"The obvious is that you have feelings for Miss Wendy Darling." I let out a laugh and then all expression on my face disappear, "that's the funniest joke I've ever heard" I say sarcastically. I tilt my head to the side, "what makes you think that Cora?" She stops in front of me and places her hands on her hips.
"What makes me think that?" She pauses. "Because... I just know." She lets out a laugh but it is short lived.
"If your so powerful, then why don't you leave now?" I say in frustration as I walk to the other side of the fire."Are you doubting my power?" She says.
"I don't know am I?" I pause and laugh. "I mean you know everything... right?" Challenging her.
"Listen here Peter Pan, I could crush your skull with a flick of a finger."
"Then do it." I say crossing my arms and taunting her.
"I'm not going to fall for your little taunts, they're simply pathetic." I scoff.
"In fact I'm quite surprised you haven't shown Wendy you little trick yet, why?" I frown, what is she going on about now? "What trick?" I say raising my eyebrows.
"The one where you disappear and reappear somewhere else." Oh that.
"I haven't done that in a long time." I state clearly.
"You mean ever since Wendy got here, why?" She asks with fake curiosity, i clench my jaw and scoff. Really? How the hell does she know that?
"I haven't done that because...." I trail off not knowing how to pit it into words.
"Because.... Your powers draining out of you." She says with a knowing smirk, I sigh and sit down on a log. "Why, do you know anything?" I ask as I stare blankly into the flames. "Yes, I can help you." She suggests.
"Wow, I would never think someone from the underworld would help me." I say sarcasm my dripping off my tongue. "My God, I do help people." She says rolling her eyes. She sits down next to me on the log. "Okay do you want my help or not?" She asks.
"If you say so." I say turning my head towards her.
"Okay, now the on,y hung you need to do is stay calm and it will work." I nod my head. She holds out her hands and closes her eyes, tilting her head up slightly. Her hands start to glow a bright shade of purple, orbs form in her palm and grow. I do as she told and stay calm. Her hands start to reach forward towards me, she plants her hands on my chest, I feel electric shocks shoot through me. Suddenly she sits there with no glowing hands and a grin on her face. "Did it work?" I say questioning her abilities. She does a dramatic nod and gestures for me to try my trick again. I stand up and channel the power in my head. Flash. I'm on the other side of the fire, right where I imagined me to be. A grin creeps on to my face, "it worked, thanks. How did you do that?" I ask curiously. "Never question another's abilities Pan, never." She says slickly. Sorry but I already have. I chuckle at my thought and she frowns at me then brushed it off.
"Since that worked, I might as well return to my natural state, so are you ready for my unrealistic beauty Pan?" I chuckle, she can't possibly be that beautiful. No one is. I think. She walks over to a clear space and stands, then she lights up and beams of light swirl around her, she rises of the ground slightly, then drops back down the light fading away revealing her identity. Well I was bloody wrong.

She stands there, she has long strait black hair that falls over her shoulders. She has piercing pink eyes, with a silver intricate crown. She has a long white flow gown on that connects on one shoulders, down the dress is silver delicate detail of flowers and petals that flow smoothly down the dress. She wears all types of silver rings and bracelets and necklaces, she spins around obviously glad to be back in her body. "Well what do you think?" She says snapping me out of my gaze. I stand up and inspect her appearance sarcastically. "Decent." I say letting out a laugh after, she joins in too.
"Well I better be going home, thank you for.... letting me stay in your little forest." Forest? This is Neverland. She gets into her stance with her hands out and head tilted up. Her hands start to glow orange, orbs in her palms. She then throws the orbs at the ground. The ground swirls and a black hole in the middle. A though pops into my head. She starts backing up getting ready to jump in. "Wait, why exactly do you think I like Wendy?" I ask over the roads of the portal.
"Figure it out yourself Pan, but I would go get that pixi dust back before Hook does what he plans to do with it." And with that she jumps into the hole, it sealing up immediately. Going back to the brown dirt. "What had Hook got planned?" I ask myself under my breath. And with that I head through to my tent and flop down on my mattress and sink into sleep. Got a big day ahead.


Hey, once again I hoped you like this chapter, if you have any ideas or advice for this book don't be afraid to tell me.

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