Chapter 28

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The bubble disappears from around my head, and I hold my mouth shut not daring to take a breath. I look up and can see a commotion a while above me. Something enters the water with a splash. My lungs burn and beg for air.

I give up up and water fills my mouth, out of desperation I gasp in. Crap! The water seeps into my lungs. I swim up in a desperate beg to resurface, the mermaids don't follow. I pull myself to the surface, I realise the thing that entered the water was a body. But who? I continue to suck in water, my head feels dizzy and I could pass out but I need one last breath! I reach the body and grasp on to the shoulders and spin it around. With the last burst of energy I break the surface and gasp, and start coughing out the water.

I pull the boy up, when I realise it is certainly alive. It pushes up to the surface and gasps. Pan? What is he doing here? Why was he in the water? My thoughts are broken when I hear a voice coming from the jetty. "Guys catch!" I turn my head and a rope smacks into the water within my reach. Theo? Ok I am confused.

I grab onto the rope and Peter follows. We are tugged back to the jetty, we glide through the water and latch onto the jetty. I pull myself up, pan does the same. Out of breath I pant and roll over onto the jetty. "What?" I ask, not to anyone but I need an explanation. I roll over onto my side and a sudden inflow of water travels up through me and I cough it out rather violently. Peter is bent over and continues to cough up sea water. "I'm sorry, I was hunting and I was near here and I saw hook push you into the water Peter I am sorry." He admits to Pan.
"Hook!?" I say as I stand up in a slow motion.
"Wendy where did you come from? You just came up from under the water."
"Long story." I answer, Peter finally stands upright with a scowl on his face.
"I need to kill that man!" He says as he stares off into the distance. "Where's his boat Theo?!"
"It's hidden behind the rocks" he says pointing to a large scatter of rocks just to the left of the shore. Pan starts down the jetty and to the rocks. Theo right behind him. I run to catch up. "What's happening?" I ask, I need to know what happened. Why was hook involved? I thought he was good.

We walk towards the rock, Peter almost marching. We start to climb over the big rocks, I latch my hand onto one and step over a smaller one. My foot lands on a flat rock and I stand on it and lean forward to climb over another. Once we are at the top of one of the larger rocks, I slip on the wetness and fall back. Oh no! This is the end.

As soon as I'm about to land and get cut on the rocks two hands grab onto me and pull me back upright. "Easy there." Theo says with a concerned smile. I nod thanking him, and start to climb over the rock. Once we are on the other side of the rock, we can see Hooks boat floating in the waves. We make it to the bottom of the rocks with no more slip ups. I look up and see that it is currently dark like nighttime. The moon illuminates the space sending bright beams of a silvery light onto the waves and rocks.

We walk across the damp sand with the occasional wave reaching up around our ankles and pulling back into its home. We reach the boat and Peter jumps ridiculously high and lands right onto the deck, mind you this is a big ship. How did he do That? Theo and I find a rope that is dangling over the ships edge and we climb up it. I reach the top and Theo lends me his hand and I grab it and he pulls me over. I land on my two feet and scan the ships deck. Clear as usual. I see Pan fuming with anger as he runs around the ship yelling threats at Hook.

Hook resurfaces to the to the top deck. "There!" Pan yells as he runs at hook. He then proceeds to tackle hook to the ground and pin him by his wrists against the wooden deck. "Speak or I'll kill you!" Pan spits in Hooks face. Theo runs over with a spear in hand. Personally I think that's a but big to threat hook with... maybe a dagger will suit.
"Get off me... kid!" Hook says as he try's to wriggle out from underneath Pan. Peter lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Oh, you mean speak you idiot!" He yells as he frees one wrist, Theo steps on on it pinning it down again. He reaches in his pocket and grabs out his dagger, he shoves it at Hooks temple on his head. "Speak or this goes deeper." He whispers in Hooks ear rather bitterly. Hook grunts before finally giving the squirming a rest. I walk over but keep my distance. "I. Want. You. Dead." Peter laughs.
"Yeah I can tell laddie."
"And I want your gang gone."
"Gang, you mean the Lost Boys." Peter scoffs.
"Whatever! Just get off me!" Hook spits. Peter presses his dagger closer into his skin. Hook clenches his jaw and squeezes his eyes shut. "Looks like a storms brewing." Hook says as he opens his eyes again.

A shot of thunder cracks over head and I jerk my head up to see lightning slashing through dark clouds, this isn't good. Peter releases his dagger and it clanks onto the deck. He then staggers back in shock off of hook. "What happened?" I ask confused. Hook yanks his hand out from under Theo's foot and he stands up and brushes himself off. "I-I don't know... but I need to kill you!" He yells running again at hook. Hook charges right back at Pan and they collide with a thud. Hook grips pans shoulders and pan does the same, they push each other- stupid boys.
"Stop being silly and sit down like proper men and talk it out." I say as I walk over to them and tug them apart. They break from each others grips and heave their chest in anger. "Sorry girlie but you're going!" Hook yells as he turns to me and pushes me towards the edge of the boat.

A thunder cracks louder than even possible and it stops us at a halt. We look up and examine the fast swirling sky. Streaks of lightening zip through the swirling clouds, they swirl tightens forming a tornado like storm. The sea becomes heavy and I see a small hole forming in the ocean right by the boat. Faster than I do Hook snaps back to me and pushes me against the ships barrier. "Don't do this!" I yell at him as I push away from him. Pan runs over and tries to break it but it's too late.


Hey guys this book only has a few chapters left☹️
But when it does end I will be writing a second book!
So I will update this when it's out!
Sorry if the next few chapters are short.

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