Chapter 6

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"Where is she!?" I turn around facing all the boys. "Go search for her now.. everywhere !" I yell at them. Chance, Abe and Theo split off down the path,with their spears in hand. I turn away and walk back through to my tent. How dare she get away, that silly little girl. She's making all the wrong moves. I open the flap to my room, I slump down in my wooden chair by my bed. I reach over and grab my crossbow that sat on my bed. That girl is not leaving Neverland and she knows that. If she thinks she can just leave she's wrong. I stand up from the chair and exit the tent with my crossbow by my side. I lift the flap, letting the sun seep into my pores.

I walk through the forest, my feeling hitting the leafy ground, a soft blow of wind winds through the trees. I reach my destination- the Thinking Tree. The large tree crowds over the other trees, dominating the space. This tree is meant for a king. This tree is meant for me. I wave my hand over the trunk, purple dust following. A door appears on the trunk, I swing it open and step inside, sealing the door behind me. I set my weapon down on a bench near the entrance.

I snicker at the thought of Wendy trying to beat me, she has no Ali. She has no power. Although there is Hook. But what could Hook do, he's just a worthless pirate with one hand. I wander over to a small opening in my tree, it is not visible from the outside. I rest my forearms on a beam under it. Looking out at the view of the ocean, deep blue waves crashing and rolling up on to the shore. Those boys better find her. I need her.

As I walk back to camp, I hear the boys chattering loudly. Too loudly. I enter and see them crowded around Abe. "What's going on!" I say making my arrival apparent. I fold my arms and lean against a tree. There heads all turn towards me, Milo speaks up. "Abe knows where Wendy is." I tilt my head, and unfold my arms as I walk towards them.
"Is that so? Then WHERE is she?"
"Hooks got her, she doesn't know that I saw her." Abe speaks up standing up. Hook. Of course he has. I clench my jaw.
"Why does Hook have Wendy?"
"We overheard some of their conversation." He pauses."He wants to help Wendy leave Neverland."
"What?" I clench my fists, no one leaves Neverland, I thought I made that perfectly clear. I guess it's better than having her dead. Because if she's dead that means-
"I suggest we go hunt down hook now." Abe suggests, interrupting my thoughts.
"What do you want us to do Peter?" Milo asks, snapping me out of my trance.
"I say we train for the rest of today. Then tomorrow we hunt them down!" After saying this they all erupt into cheers. I grin. This little girly has no idea what's install for her. She's clueless.


I rise early this morning, the smell of food invades my nose. I wander out of my side of the tent into the dinning area. All the boys sit in their seats around the table. Griffin welcomes me. I nod and move past him to my seat. I prefer to think of it as my throne, it is much bigger and grande than the others seats. I sit down, as food is place on the table. Before everyone digs on I got their attention. "Everyone our mission for today is to capture Wendy Darling. Is that clear? As much as I would like to kill Captain Hook, that has to wait for another day." The boys cheer and raise their glasses.

Once we finish our feast, we set off on foot through the forest, towards where Hooks boat is located. We reach the clearing. I pull out my telescope and look through it.
"Split up, remember I don't want any harm done to the girl." I stay at the clearing and watch them split up, there cloaks disappearing into the distance. Once they all part their ways, I sprinkle the pixie dust over my head. "Fly Peter, fly." I say quietly to myself. My feet lift off the ground. I grin keen to fight. I rise up in the trees. As I fly over the ocean I spot Hooks boat. Looking quite lonely actually, luckily for Hook my boys are going to pay him a little visit. I watch from afar as I float above the boat.

Wendy runs out on deck, hook right behind her. Fear is written all over her face, Hook pulls out his sword pushing Wendy behind him. Wendy looks clearly annoyed at this so I'm going to help her out. I dive down onto the boat landing swiftly behind Wendy. I wrap my arm around her waist and whisper in her ear. "Better say goodbye to Captain Hook." Her reaction time is slow, she pushes with her hands on my arm, prying with all her might it away from her. She does not succeed. I pull her off the boat and float up into the air. Hook finally spins around, to find Wendy gone. The lost boys crowd off the boat, knowing their triumph. They run into the woods. Hook looks up surveying the sky.
"Hook!" Wendy shouts from up here, and turns his head and spots us, a scowl growing on his face. "Help Hook!" She yells again. I wish she knew that she shouldn't even bother. "Sorry laddie, but she's mine!" I yell at hook, letting out a glorious laugh as I zoom over the trees. "Pan, your a shame too this Earth." She try's threatening me, its quite cute actually, so helpless. "But we are not on earth are we? No, we are in Neverland." She grunts at my annoyance and shakes her head. Her wavy dirty blond hair, flowing smoothly through the air.

We drop to the ground in our camp, I am greeted by the boys celebrating our victory. I let go of Wendy as she yanks from my grasp. She can't get away from me and she knows that now. I turn to the boys and pump my fist in the air, bringing out their cheers. Griffin lights the fire, I go take my seat on a log, as I watch the flicker of the flames grow. Wendy's face softens as she looks at Milo- our youngest lost boy. I trace her eyes, Milo has a gash on his fore head. She rushes over to him, and starts helping him with his gash. She rushes over to the well, and dampens the cloth as she returns to Milo. I watch her carefully, I have not seen this side of her before. Or I have just not taken notice of it. She dabs the cloth on his head, as he winces in pain.

When she finishes up bandaging Milos head, she takes a seat opposite me. I watch her through the night, a slow grin growing on her face as she watches the boys dance around the fire, seeing their joy. Or should I call it feeling of belonging. Then her blue eyes avert to mine, she lingers on me. I look away.

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