Chapter 23

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Let the games begin- quite literally. He then brushes past me and disappears into his tent. Well I guess I'm free to roam, but I am quite tired so I might just rest my eyes. I lay down on the log and lean back my head, and close my eyes- just for a bit. But I was wrong when I drifted from my conscious state quite quickly.

I rub  my eyes, light filters in and I quickly shut them, I thought it was just a 10 minute snooze, but I guess not. Turns out to be a well earned slumber. I take a deep breath and open one eye and shield my face. Deep forest green eyes peer into mine. I shoot forward into an upright sitting position. I turn around and am met by a smirking Pan.
"Well good morning I see you had a nice sleep." He pauses, "on a log."
"I was just resting my eyes, but then I guess sleep overcame me." I say as I brush my fingers through my blonde-brown hair. "Sleep is a powerful force." He says as he sits next to me. "So is love." I pause, why did I say that? "Which you don't have any." I say chuckling. He then proceeds to throw an apple at my head. It then roles onto the ground. "Eat it, we need to go for a walk." He demands as he stands up. I scoop the apple off the ground and brush it off and follow Peter into the forest.

He walks beside me as I admire the trees. "Where are we going?" I ask as I eat my red apple. "Places." He says simply.
"Tell me." I whine trying to push his buttons on purpose, I don't really like to sound or be annoying but I don't know why but I want to push his buttons.
He stops and turns to me in lightening speed, "shut up and walk." He says before turning back to the path and walking like nothing happened, it's working. The corners of my mouth turn up. Pleased with myself I walk beside him.

As we walk and walk deeper into the forest, I feel a drop of water hit my head. I stop and look up touching it- yep it's water. Maybe it will storm? Then as if Mother Nature read my mind a sudden down pour starts. Peter turns around and looks up. He holds out his hand and mutters to himself. "We should go back." I suggest as I shield my eyes.
"It's raining." He mumbles in confusion.
"Yes, now lets go." I say urging him to start walking back. He looks at me and says,
"It never rains in Neverland. Never." He says. I nod, well I guess there's a first for everything. We just stand there getting drenched, I give up and drop my hands to my side and look up into the sky and let the rain hit my face. "Why is it raining?" He asks, not to me but not to anyone in particular. "It's called nature." I say and close my eyes letting the rain wash me away. My clothes stick to me and my hair sticks to my face and neck. Peter still confused stares into the sky muttering inaudible things to himself.

I guess this rain is like a shower, it washes away any dirt from my face and night gown, making it a cleaner shade of white. "Are we just going to stand here or are we going to go back to camp?" I ask but he ignores me.
"No ones keeping you here." He says blankly as he inspects the droplets of water on him. He is right though, no ones keeping me here I could just follow the path back to camp. Why did I stay?
"I insist Peter we must go." He glares at me and brushes past me hitting my shoulder and walks down the path, finally. The dirt my feet walk in now turns into mud, I hold my dress up so that the ends don't go in the mud. The opening to the camp is now in sight and I walk a little faster so that I can get undercover in the tent. We walk into camp and hear the usual chatter of the boys, they are in the tent and are peeking out inspecting the rain. Chance notices Peter first. "Pan!" He yells over the rain, we then run into the tent with Collin opening the flap so we can get on. "Why is water coming from the sky?" One of them ask, have these kids really never seen or heard of rain.
"It's rain Abe." Jayden comments as he glares at Abe, I guess they do. I ring out my dress and hair, and hope that they will air dry. At least I'm clean now.

"It should not be raining." Peter states as he paces around in a deep thought, he too is as drenched as I am. "Just accept it." I suggest quietly.
"What?" He asks turning to face me, everyone else turns to face me.
"Nothing." I say in a small voice.
"I guess you not as rebellious as you thought you were" Pete taunts me, I scrunch up my face and lift my eyes to Peter. "You don't know me." I say calmly and fold my arms as I relax into the chair. "Oh, I know more than you think." He says stepping towards me. Of course, stealing my words "Like what?" I ask challenging him.
"Like that ever since you came here things have been going wrong." He steps closer.
"Like that your just a girl who thinks she's right but is really not." Even closer.
"Like that you are trapped here." He puts his hands on the chair head and traps me in.
"Like that you are lost but you don't want to admit it." His face only inches from mine.
I clench my jaw and push his arm away- but it doesn't budge it's like it's glued there. Why is he trapping me? "I am right and I am not lost." I say, his eyes locked onto mine.
"Well then prove that you are right." He says tilting his head to the side and raising his eyebrows to question me.
"If you think I am just a girl who thinks she is right but is really wrong, then kiss me."

I bet he didn't see that coming! I mentally laugh as I squint my eyes challenging him, a small smirk creeps on my face, I know he won't do it. He's to much of a coward, he would never kiss me. And I would never kiss him.
At least that's what I thought.


Hey guys!
So I was persuaded by the great Lauzarito at school today to post this chapter.
*evil grin
I left ya in another cliff hanger. You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Quote of the day!

'A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure'
- Henry Kissinger

Chow for now 🌷✌🏼

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