Chapter 14

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We return from the forest, the sky now a darker shade of blue, stars starting to come out. "Griffin." I call, he stands up and walks over to me. "Put a lighter dressing on Wendy's arm." I instruct, he nods. Griffin is the one who cleans, heals and cooks in Neverland. Like a handy little flashlight if you were lost in the dark. "Is my arm ready for that?" She asks as I turn to her.
"Should be." I say lifting my eyebrows. Griffin walks back over with a smaller bandage in hand. He un-wraps her arm, revealing a stick on bandage, he peels it off. She winces. On her arm is a deep gash that had been sewn together, it has started to heal, an array of purples and blues surround the gash. She stares at it admiring it. "A few more days and you should be good to go with out bandages." Griffin adds. She nods, continuing to stare at her arm, griffin wanders back to the tent. "Now, I'm going to take you to meet little Anna-Beth over here." I say gesturing to the hidden cage. We reach the cage. Anna-Beth sits there staring into open space, completely blank. "Hello." Wendy says, that's a little kind for someone who wanted to Kill you. Anna's eyes dart to Wendy.
"I'm Wendy-." Wendy starts but is cut off my Anna.
"Wendy Darling... I know exactly who you are... take a seat." She's says, Wendy sits down slowly, clearly miss lead by what Anna had to say. "How do you know who I am?"
"I know you Wendy, everyone does." She answers.
'What do you mean everyone?"
"I mean everyone who read the book." Wendy tilts her head confused and taken back.
"What book?" She says trying to hide her boiling anger with being calm.
"James Barrie, who do you think I am talking about?" She says with a rude tone.
"James Barrie is dead, gone. He has been gone for a very long time and what book are you on about?" She says.
"You are in the book."
"What book!" She says flustered.
"Peter Pan, the book." She says simply and calmly. Wendy turns her head to face mine. Now she knows why I asked her about James and the book. "Where are you from?" She asks turning back to Anna. Anna lets out a short lived laugh. "Why should I tell you?" Wendy's mouth opens in shock. "Why should you tell me? Because you tried to take my bloody heart!" Wendy slowly yells in frustration. On the other hand Anna stays emotionless and calm. Should I cut in? No. "Now you better answer every bloody question I have for you. Because I tried to be nice and kind to you. But sometimes being nice and kind is tiring. Sometimes you can't hold it in anymore. Sometimes one little thing can set you off." She pauses. "Anna-Beth you are the little thing that is about to set me off, so start spilling or I could lose it. I mean I've done it before and coming back is a long road. So speak." I stand there in shock, I've never seen Wendy be so.... ruthless. What did she mean that she's done it before? Go off the rails? Who knows.

Suddenly interrupting my thoughts Wendy leaps over and grabs my dagger from my pocket. What is this girl doing? She grips the dagger tightly, her knuckles turning white.
"You wouldn't do it, you're too kind." Anna taunts, she should just drop the act already, she told me everything and now she's being rude. "You don't think I would do it?" She says tilting her head. "How I bloody will." Suddenly she leaps at her through the cage, I step in and rip Wendy form mid leap, pulling her away from Anna. "Why did you stop me!" She yells. I simply stay silent. Who the hell is this girl? I've never seen this side of her before. She tries to rip from my grip, it I hold on tightly. I sit her down on a log, I snatch the knife out of her grip and stand before her with my arms crossed. She looks down at the ground.
"What the bloody hell got into you?" I say with a stern tone. She shrugs. "I'm sorry but I'm going to need a better answer than shrugging." I add keeping my tone. I sit down next to her on the log. "It's just..." she trails off. She turns and looks at me shame evident in her eyes. "I'm sorry Peter, it's just." She clenches her jaw. "It's just, I can't keep going like this, not anymore." What the hell does she mean? Before I know it she's on her feet and running toward the tree line. She's in the run again. Of course. This time I don't chase. I let her run. There's no way out but me.

An on hour passes by, and so I decide to go walk, to look for her. For all I care she can stay out their all she wants, but I can't have her being kidnapped by Hook again. I set off into the forest, the early night sky shinning through the trees. If I were Wendy where would I be? Who knows. I walk along a path that leads to a cliff, the same cliff she nearly fell over, but I saved her. The sound of crashing waves becomes closer and closer. Soon I see the cliffs edge and an outline of a "Wendy, get back." I say quickening my pace. She stands one meter in front of me with a tear stained face. Why was she crying? Was it me? "Come on don't do this." I beg. But was it for the curse I put on her or was it because I didn't want to see her get hurt? "No." She says plainly, her sweet voice with her accent radiating from her when she speaks. "Why?"
"Because, she set me off."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I mean Anna." Besides from Anna being stubborn and rude there is no reason for her to do this. "Just step back from the edge please." I plead with her, I want to wrap my arms around her and pull her to safety but I know she will never forgive me.
"Pan why do you want me alive?" She ask removing her gaze from the ground and focusing on my eyes. "Because... we can talk about this later I promise. But please I beg you don't so anything you'll regret." Why do I want Wendy alive aside from the curse, which she still hasn't found out about. "Trust me I won't regret this."
"No you will." I stretch my hand out to her.
"Remember when I nearly fell? And you said next time you won't catch me?" She cannot be using this against me. "Yes I do, but Wendy you don't want to go over that cliff."
"Back home, they all thought I was insane." Who are they?
"Wendy you are no where near insane-" she cuts me off.
"Maybe I'm not, but maybe I am."
"No you are not." I say shaking my head. "No just take my hand and all will be good." I add. I plead with her in my eyes. Suddenly she tips back with her arms outstretched to the sides. She falls. I then run after her and leap off.

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