Chapter 5

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My head slams back. Someone grips my arm and pulls me up from dirt. I regain my senses. I try yanking out of the grip. But it fails. I open my mouth to shout, but a hand clasps around it. All I can do is let out muffles cries for help. My heels drag along the dirt. My captor behind me. I lean forward trying to yank out of the grip. Who could be doing this?

The surroundings around me are too dark to see where I am. Suddenly my body is slammed down on the ground. Onto wooden planks. The captor lets go off me. I squirm around on the ground, attempting to get up. My captor stands before me, towering over me. "Who the hell are you?" I spit. I get up and stumble back but I catch myself.

He moves forward, "Don't worry I have come to save you." I scoff and shake my head, that is so... clique.
"You? Come to save me? From this wretched place. Nothing can save me. Not even myself." In an instant a light flashes on above me. Lighting up the space. I look around me, sails above my head, I am in a boat. I turn back to him, he has blue eyes, and short cut black hair, he is much older than me.

"Who are you? Answer me!" I threaten him. He sighs.
"Hook." He answers me simply.
"What are you a pirate?"
"Actually, yes I am." I stumble back dumbfounded. No, pirates are in books and movies. He turns away from me and reaches for something in front of him. He turns back and hold up his hand. Admiring it. But no it's not a hand. It's a Hook. Now his name makes sense. "Do you have a... real name?" I ask.
"Yes, I'm not just some no-name who walks around. Killian Jones." He glances at me, and judges me, stepping forward. "Why... did you take me?"
"Well first of all, lets go sit down and then we can talk over it." I start towards a door that I assume leads under deck. "No. I want answers now." I hold my ground. I am sick and tired of being told what to do." He turns around on his heel.
"No girly, you're coming with me, or I will throw you over board." He glares at me, and disappears through the door. I hesitate, before finally stepping through the door.

A dark stained wooden table stretches across the room. Chairs surrounding it. At the very end Hook sits, in a much bigger and intricate chair than the others. He gestures for a seat opposite him. I drag out the chair and plop down, I rest my elbows on the table and cradle my head in my hands. He straitens his back and clears his throat.
"Peter Pan is no boy, he is a demon." I laugh at his words.
"Trust me, I figured that out all ready."
"Why, did he have you in a cage?" He questions me, his expression softening.
"Look Hook, all I know is that he compelled me into coming to Neverland, influenced me into touching a glowing orb. And," i swallow. "And now I'm stuck here... for ever."
"I see. Well do you want me to help your or not?" I hesitate, he seems nicer than Peter but I still cannot trust him. "You can help me. But I don't trust you." I say peering into his eyes. He nods his head and stands up from his seat, he raises his hand and hook. "Welcome to the Jolly Rodger..." he gestures for my name.
"Wendy. Wendy Darling." I say, I grin but it is half hearted. More welcomes to places I don't trust. "Welcome to the Jolly Rodger, Wendy... Wendy Darling." He repeats grinning.
"Why do you want to help me Mr Hook?" I say confused as to why he would want to help me. His expression fades. "It's Captain Hook, and people always think that I am the wicked and cruel guy. But I'm not. Trust me. I want to help you, I know about this island just as much as Pan. Whatever you need I will help you."
"Then tell me this, I touched a glowing golden orb, I blacked out and then when I woke up Pan said that I was like him now. And that I cannot ever leave Neverland. Is that... true?" His wide grin fades and he looks down, he walks over to me. I stand up.
"Wendy I am afraid that's true... but with magic there is always a loop hole. I can get you out of here. But are you willing to do whatever it takes?" He looks into my eyes reading me. "Yeah- but if that means like-" he cuts me off and puts his hand on my shoulder. "No that's not what I meant at all." I chuckle feeling slightly silly. He chuckles and walks over to a square on the floor and lifts it up revealing an underground room. I walk over and glance down through the hole. "What's that?" I ask.
"This is where you are staying... that's fine right?" He says while reaching for a ladder.
"Yeah of course!" I exclaim, it's much better than a cage. He turns around and starts down the ladder, I follow.

When we reach the floor I spin around surveying the space that surrounds me. There is a few bunks on each wall, each bed has a neatly folded bunch of sheets. There is a small table in the middle. The space is quiet small, so the table just cramps it. "You're not claustrophobic are you?" He turns around and starts opening a small box that was hidden under one of the bunks. "No..what's that?" I ask as he holds up a small mirror compact. He flips it open, it has a small dial on the left side of it, he presses a few of the dials. Then the mirror flashes and turns an array of purples, oranges and blues. I step towards hook and lean in to get a better look at the mirror.

"This is an advantage for us winning." He says matter of factly.
"Winning what?" I ask captivated by the array of colours.
"Winning from Pan." I turn my head and look at hook. What does he mean win against Pan? Pan is just a rude boy who has no sense of emotion or feeling. Right? I keep this to myself and continue on admiring the mirror. "So what is this mirror thing and what does it do?" I ask Hook.
"This 'mirror thing' is called a capsule, it allows whoever is using it to see the place that they think of." He gives it too me and I take ahold of it. "Think of a place." I close my eyes and vision my home, my tow brothers. John and Michael. I open my eyes. The colours fade to black and my brothers appear, laughing and playing with their toys. Sadness floods over me, knowing that I could be there-"Do they know I'm gone or what?" I ask as I hold back tears.
"Well to them, in your world you are in another form, say you could be staying at a friends house, or something." He says, not knowing exactly what he's saying, but he does at the same time.

Hook looks up. "Someone's above deck, my crew are not on this ship." He says alarming me, he holds his finger to his lips, and climbs up the ladder. He mouths 'hide' to me, I nod and close the capsule, I scan the room, and spot beams on the roof. I climb onto one of the bunks, I grasp a beam and pull my self up. Hoping I blend into the ceiling, I hear footsteps, and then people climbing down the ladder. Hook appears, and Theo, Abe and Chance follow him all with stern looks spread on their faces, Pan must have sent them. "I haven't heard of any 'Wendy Darling'" Hook says reassuring the three.
"Even look around if you like." He says again, to seem more truthful. He glances quickly at me. Abe looks under the Bunks and table, while the others look around checking cupboards and other nooks. They all forward out of the room and back above deck.
That was close.

I let out a sigh of relief and climb down. I hadn't got caught-not yet at least.

Later on I settle down for the night. Preparing for the beasts ahead.

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